Dear Scarlette: Advice Column

Dear Scarlette: Advice Column

Dear Scarlette, what self-care activities can I do when it’s gloomy and I am in need of dopamine?

As April showers approach, it is important to keep your spirits up, as the gloominess can bring you down. Self-care is not a habit that needs to cost a lot of money, it just needs to make you FEEL like a million bucks.  Here are some self-care tips to keep dopamine levels at an all time high this season!

Be Grateful:

One of the best ways to feel good is to find things in your everyday life that you are grateful for. These things can be small, like listening to your favorite song, drinking your favorite coffee, or wearing an outfit that makes you happy. Noticing what you are grateful for helps you to slow down and appreciate the little things when life is fast and crazy. Buying a gratitude journal can be an event for you and your friends, or a peaceful experience alone. Buy a journal, and some decorating items like stickers and colored pens, and write down your gratitudes at the end of each day. In the morning, as you are drinking your coffee or eating your breakfast, read your gratitudes from the previous day to remind yourself to look for different gratitudes today.

Stay Active and Get Outside: 

Being active does not have to mean going to the gym everyday to lift weights or run 10 miles. Staying active doesn’t even mean that you have to break a sweat. Being active can include a light walk, indoor yoga either from a class or at home, or even doing chores around the house. Staying active and self motivating can be hard when it’s gray and gloomy, but it is essential in improving your mood and overall health. Going outside can also be tough when the weather doesn’t comply, however it is important to take advantage of the few good days the spring grants. Spending as little as 30 minutes in the light sun can improve your overall mood and happiness. Being with nature and putting down your phone sounds cliche, but it decreases stress levels and helps you detach from the negativity for a short while.

Reward Yourself:

Celebrating tiny victories is the theme for this spring. As you find your gratitudes for the day, and stay active, remember to reward yourself for small hardships throughout your week. Rewarding yourself gives you something to work toward and look forward to when accomplishing tasks that are tough or dreadful. With finals coming up make sure to give yourself reward breaks. Set a timer for a duration of time, when that timer hits, give yourself a napping break, a walk outside, a music break, or a snack break to reward yourself for staying focused. If working out was tough this week, give yourself a cheat treat like a fun drink or light snack to reward yourself for staying active and keeping your health a priority. Going out is fun, but so is staying in. Reward yourself for being social, and give yourself time to recharge your battery. Take a shower, cake on a face mask, watch your favorite show, and give yourself a moment to relax alone, and appreciate your time alone.

Self-care does not have to look the same for everyone. It does not have to be expensive, or lavish, self-care is the process that helps  YOU destress and feel good about yourself. There is no need to spend a lot of money or include people in your process to take care of yourself. Keep yourself happy and healthy this spring season, so you can be charged for the summer. 

With love always, 


Dear Scarlette, is it weird to dress cute for class in college? 

Never. Three years ago when classes were taken from under our covers, or at the kitchen table, fashion consisted mostly of sweatpants, t-shirts and robes. For the time being, this was different and comfortable and we appreciated not having to dress up for class. However, going to class is back to normal and dressing up for class feels nostalgic for the time before Covid-19. Dressing how you want, in what makes you feel confident and happy, should not be determined by other people. Dressing up for class can make you feel put together, productive, and confident, and there should be no shame in that. Although wearing sweatpants feels great on a test day or a study session in the library, don’t feel like you have to wear them everyday to “fit the college aesthetic.” Wearing what you want is important because it shows others how you want to present, and express yourself. Sometimes in class, it is hard to talk to people and converse your interests and likes, but wearing clothes that express those things symbolically can help show people who you are when conversation is limited. Although we hate to admit it, wearing brands that we like and support is often a part of our identity. Wearing a brand like Patagonia can show your love for the environment, while wearing Lululemon can show your appreciation for athleticism. Although wearing a brand does not define you, it can help to express parts of your personality to others. Dressing up for class should be highlighted and appreciated, not diminished. Wear what you want no matter the occasion. Everything should be celebrated, especially fashion in the classroom for it is more rare by the day. 

With love always, 
