The Return of the ‘Preppy Country Club’ Style
The country club/preppy vibe has made a comeback over the last year or two, with its primary hallmark: the tennis skirt, at the forefront. The next to make its comeback was the sweater vest. Both have found new ways of integrating into outfits without keeping the same preppy vibes, making them more sustainable wardrobe pieces, but a classic look with both never misses. In most recent trends, the loafer has come back swinging with platforms and heel adaptations making an appearance.
The country club/ preppy theme can overlap with a newer style known as coastal grandma. Linen pants in the summer, a button-down, and a classy silk scarf around the neck can apply to both categories. Brands like Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste, and Tory Birtch: Sport, are the easiest to style without overdoing the look to cheesiness. I’ve always found that outlet malls carry affordable options from these brands.