Month: March 2020
Department Council (March, 2020)
The Department Council met last Monday to discuss the General Education (GE) Implementation Plan. The College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate (ASC) will be voting in April on the Implementation Plan as well as on a motion (put forth by two ASC senators) related to the plan. Professor Podalsky wants to make sure that everyone is a) aware of the Plan and what it might mean for our department; and b) able to provide feedback to Eugenia Romero (as our senator) and Ana del Sarto (as our alternate senator) before the vote.
Professor Romero put together a PowerPoint listing the main components of the plan that I have attached to this email along with the GE committee’s final report if you’re interested in learning more.
The main take-aways are that a) Arts and Sciences students will still need 12 hours in a foreign language; and b) courses already approved for GE status will have expedited review for inclusion in the new GE. The faculty are at the beginning stages of discussing options for modifying current courses and creating new courses that will satisfy the new GE requirements. This is a long process as the new GE plan will not begin until Autumn 2022 with an option for students entering in 2021 to elect to complete the new GE.