We would like to thank everyone for attending the first meeting of the Fall semester, 2017! There were over 40 of us there, excluding the executive board!

Also, we would like to congratulate the winners of the Retropies and wish for a good semester going forward!

The winners of the retropies.

What Went On?

We went over the core message of the group: Inspire | Connect | Empower — and who the current executive board members are. Each of the executive board members introduced themselves and stated what their position was, what they did in the club, what their interests were, and what their majors are. Afterwards, we covered some of what the club planned to do over the next several weeks as well as showed some of the projects that were done over the previous semesters. Next, we split up into groups of people to talk about our interests, get to know each other a little better, and discuss different kinds of projects we would be interested in doing in the future. Finally, we finished off with the winners of the Retropies and some final words.

Thanks for attending this meeting and hopefully we’ll see many of you next week for our first project!

Fall Introductory Meeting
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