Meet the Board

Hey guys I‘m Yoyi, the President of TWSA. I’m a second year Computer Information Science major with a minor in theoretical mathematics. I‘m from Seattle, Washington and have 2 cats back home. In my free time, I like to play badminton and watch anime. One of my favorite thing about OSU is the matcha ice cream offered at Oxley To Go!

大家好,我是台灣同學會的會長又儀,今年升大二,主修資工,輔修數學。我來自華盛頓西雅圖,養了兩隻吃貨貓貓。課閒時間,我喜歡打羽毛球和看動漫。另,我覺得全校最好吃的東西是Oxley To Go的抹茶冰淇淋!

大家好,我是 TWSA 副主席 Jerry。 我是從西雅圖轉學到OSU的三年級生。 我待過猶他跟西雅圖,空閒時間,我喜歡打遊戲和看動漫。也喜歡到處玩,組織朋友們兩次環島台灣跟日本行。 關於 OSU 我最喜歡的事情之一是去健身房健身。

我是這屆負責財務的Abu Chen,吃吃、喝喝、睡覺、運動、逗貓玩是我目前生活的最大樂趣,在OSU主修金融和國際貿易,社團中關於贊助或商業相關的事物請聯繫我,新學期請多多指教。

I’m the new treasurer  Abu Chen, a professional at eating, sleeping , sporting and playing with cats, currently majoring in Finance and International Business. If there is any sponsorship or business related in the club, please contact me, and wish everyone has great cooperation for the new semester.

Hi guys! I’m Cathy, an OSU Moritz alumnus. I’m from Taipei, Taiwan. In my free time, I like to play badminton, go cycling, or hang out with friends. I also love traveling to different places around the world. One of my favorite things about OSU is definitely watching football games. Go Buckeyes!

大家好,歡迎大家來到osu 。我是大三就讀ECE的Chris,平常喜歡打電動、讀書、看動漫、去rpac 打籃球,如果有人想要一起打五五,歡迎加入。之後如果在學校有問題也歡迎來找我,謝謝。

嗨👋大家好,我是這屆TWSA的網管兼活動詠絮,升大二。我主修心理系、輔修哲學,也有參加premed 跟Humanities Scholars Program。平常的興趣挺多的,喜歡音樂、畫畫、閱讀等,也是學校學生交響樂團裡的小提琴手。放假期間喜歡到處旅遊、品嚐當地的美食😋

新學期請多多指教,有任何問題都歡迎私訊TWSA 或我,我都會盡力回答!

Hi everyone 👋I am Yong Xu, the social and event chair this upcoming term. I major in psychology, minor in philosophy, and is also part of the premed and Humanities scholars program. In my spare time, I really enjoy music, drawing, and reading. I am also a violinist in the campus orchestra. During longer vacations, I love traveling around and try delicious foods from around the world😋

Please feel free to message me through TWSA or my personal account, I am always pleased to answer any of your questions!