1/18/2025 農曆新年晚餐 Lunar New Year Dinner
轉眼間2024就要結束了,先祝大家聖誕節快樂!聖誕節的到來也意味著一年之中最盛大的節日–農曆新年也將如期而至。既然無法回家與家人團聚,不如和TWSA的同學們一起吃個晚餐,度過一個充滿歡笑與幸福的新年吧!這次的新年聚餐活動將於1/18 (六) 晚上 6:00 在川江號子舉辦,費用為$15,包含晚餐及抽獎活動。想參加的同學們請務必於1/8 (六) 前填寫下方的報名連結並透過Zelle完成繳費,才算報名完成喔!另外,由於本次活動需要提前訂位及訂餐,於1/8後取消報名的同學將不予退費,非常感謝大家的配合:) 期待和大家一起慶祝新的一年!
Happy Holidays! 2025 is around the corner, and it is soon time to celebrate Lunar New Year! Come to the Lunar New Year Dinner held by TWSA to have a warm and joyful night with friends and win prizes! The event will be held at Chuan Jiang Hao Zi on 1/18 (Sat) at 6:00 pm. This event requires a fee of $15, including the dinner and joining the raffle. Those who wish to participate, please fill out the registration form below and Zelle the fee to TWSA before 1/8 (Sat). Unfortunately, since the restaurant needs to be booked beforehand, those who cancel their registration after 1/8 will not be refunded. Thank you so much for your understanding and we hope to see you all soon!
[報名已截止 registration has closed]
2025-26 同學會幹部徵選 2025-26 TWSA Board Application
2025 TWSA 幹部徵選正式放報名囉!對組織活動、協助校園生活有興趣及熱情的同學,一定要積極報名!不論你擅長活動策劃、溝通協調,還是對財務管理、宣傳設計感興趣,我們都歡迎你加入幹部團隊,和我們一起為大家打造更精彩的學年。請有意願加入幹部的同學們於12/15日前提交報名表單,期待大家的踴躍報名!
We are pleased to announce that the board application for TWSA 2025 is now open! If you have a passion for organizing events and assisting students with their campus life, now is your chance to shine! No matter if you’re good at holding events, public relations, financial management, or artistic design, we welcome you to the board and look forward to working together! Please fill out the TWSA 2025 board interest form before 12/15 if you intend to serve on the board in 2025:)
Application form: [registration has closed]
11/3/2024 冬衣採買 Winter Clothes Shopping
大家好!氣溫已經開始逐漸下降,冬衣採買活動馬上就要到了,和TWSA一起迎接今年的冬天吧!本次活動我們將於11/3(日)上午10:00 在 Ohio Union bus loop 集合並一起出發前往 Tanger Outlets 採購冬衣。由於活動地點在校外,我們將對非開車的成員酌收$10的交通費用,想參加的同學請於10/27(日)前填寫下方的報名表單並繳交報名費喔!歡迎大家踴躍報名:)
Hi everyone! The temperature is dropping fast. Come to our Winter Clothes Shopping event and prepare for the winter with friends! Our event this year will be held on 11/3 (Sun) at the Tanger Outlets. We will meet up at the Ohio Union bus loop and head over together at 10:00 am. Since this event is off campus, we will charge a 10-dollar fee for those who will not be driving. Register with the link down below and pay the fee (if required) before 10/27 to register! Look forward to seeing you all there!
Registration Link: [registration has closed]
10/20/2024 玉米迷宮 Corn Maize
大家好!由於今年蘋果較早成熟,原定日期無法採蘋果,本次活動將改為同日10/20 下午1:00 在Ohio Union bus loop 集合到The Maize 體驗各種農場活動。The Maize 除了有8英畝的玉米田迷宮外,還有各式各樣的遊樂設施及可愛的小動物,是週日出遊的好去處!The Maize 農場門票為$14(官網線上購買但無法退款)或$16(現場購買),需要大家自理。本活動場地較受天氣影響,如天氣狀況不佳將視情況取消,請大家一定要留意TWSA的活動公告並自行斟酌是否線上購票(若線上購票但活動因天氣因素取消,TWSA恕不負責)。已經報名採蘋果且也想去The Maize 的同學不需要再與TWSA聯絡;而因活動項目更動而想加入或取消報名的同學請於10/8前透過Instagram, Facebook 或 email 聯絡TWSA,謝謝大家的配合!
Hi everyone! Since the apples ripened early this year, the original time of the event is no longer suitable for picking apples. Therefore, the apple-picking event is CANCELLED. Instead, we will be heading to The Maize at Little Darby Creek to enjoy some fall fun! We will gather at the Ohio Union bus loop at 1:00 pm on 10/20 and head to The Maize together. The ticket for the farm is $14 (online through their website, non-refundable) or $16 (at the farm). However, the farm activities are heavily influenced by the weather. If the weather does not allow the farm to be opened, we will post a notice and cancel the event. Please stay tuned and deliberate whether to buy the ticket online or not! If you already registered for the apple picking and would also like to go to The Maize, great! You are ready to go. Yet if you are interested in joining or no longer want to participate in this event due to the change of time and location, please contact TWSA through Instagram, Facebook, or email before 10/8. Thank you so much for your understanding!
Oct. 20th (Sun)
1:00pm-6:00pm (farm closes)
The Maize at Little Darby Creek
10/20/2024 採蘋果 (活動變更!請看最新公告) Apple Picking (Event has changed, please see newest update)
大家好!秋天已經悄悄來臨,讓我們一起去採美味的富士蘋果吧!本次活動將在10/20 10:00am-1:00pm 舉行。我們將在 Ohio Union Bus Loop 集合並前往 Lynd’s Fruit Farm (從學校車程約35分鐘)。非司機的成員我們會酌收$10的交通費用。這次活動是一個認識大家並享受採收果實的樂趣的好機會,歡迎大家透過下方的連結於10/1前報名參加!
Hi everyone! Autumn has arrived, why not enjoy some sweet and script Fuji apples? Our apple picking event will take place on 10/20 from 10:00am-1:00pm at Lynd’s Fruit Farm (~35 minutes by car from campus). We will meet up at the Ohio Union Bus Loop and head over there together. Participants who are not drivers will be required to pay a $10 transportation fee. This is an amazing opportunity to make new friends and simply have fun! Please register before 10/1 using the link below. Look forward to seeing all of you there!
[Registration has closed]
8/18/2024 迎新 Welcome Party
大家好!暑假很快就進入了尾聲,我們等不及要迎接新同學了!這一屆TWSA的迎新活動將於8/18 10:30 am-12:30 pm 在CBEC (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Chemistry Building) 110/120 舉行。本次活動除了會介紹TWSA幹部及未來活動、介紹其他由台灣人組成的社團外,還會提供小點心及飲料讓大家能舒服的社交,認識新的朋友:) 先進場的70名參與者還可以領取Chase 提供的$100開戶禮卷喔!歡迎大家填寫表單踴躍報名參加!
Hi everyone! Summer is quickly coming to an end and we can’t wait to meet our new students! The TWSA welcome party will be hosted on 8/18 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at CBEC (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Chemistry Building) room 110/120. During this event, we will introduce our board members, upcoming TWSA events, and other fun clubs run by fellow Taiwanese students. We will also prepare snacks and drinks for everyone! Come and make new friends! The first 70 to come will receive a $100 account opening redemption code from Chase! Please register with the link below if you plan to come.
[報名連結已移除 Registration form has closed]

7/21/2024 TWSA X Chase 線上說明會 Online Information Session
大家好!新學期很快就要準備開始了。今年TWSA也準備了和Chase合作的銀行開戶說明會,除了會說明開戶的注意事項外,也會有銀行專員在線上回答大家的問題。歡迎大家踴躍報名參與!此會議採線上(Zoom)的方式進行,時間為哥倫布時間7/20 9:00pm (台灣時間7/21 9:00am)。會議連結會根據報名紀錄寄到與會者的信箱,請要參加的同學一定要填寫報名表單喔!謝謝!
Hi everyone! As the new semester approaches, TWSA prepared a banking presentation with Chase. This online Zoom meeting will not only include important information on account opening but also a Q&A session that will allow Chase agents to answer all of your questions on the spot! Please join us if you have any questions or concerns! This meeting will be held online on 7/20 at 9:00 pm (Columbus time), aka 7/21 at 9:00 am (Taiwan time). Since the meeting link will be distributed through the email written on the registration form, please make sure to register through the link below! Thank you!
[報名已截止 registration has closed]
[點此去說明會錄影 Click here to the recording]

6/8/2024 新生說明會 New Students Information Session
In order to help new students better understand the campus environment, academic resources, and student life before entering university, we will host an online information session. This session will be conducted through an online meeting platform. The orientation will cover a range of important topics and include a live Q&A session where students can ask their questions. Through this online session, we hope to provide new students with valuable pre-entry preparation information and allow them to feel the warmth and support of the student community in advance. We look forward to meeting each new student at the session.
Please fill out the form below to register for the information session. Once registered, you will receive an email from us before the event begins. At that time, please click the meeting link in the email to join the session.
[報名已截止 registration has closed]
[新生說明會簡報 Information Session PowerPoint]
[點此去新生說明會錄影 Click here to the recording]
接機 Airport Pickup
In order to make your arrival at the airport as smooth and comfortable as possible, we offer a pick-up service to help you arrive safely at the school or at your designated accommodation.
Please fill out the form below at least two weeks prior to your arrival so that we can be fully prepared to assist you upon arrival. We look forward to seeing you at the airport and wish you a pleasant trip!
*All drivers for this program are volunteers, so if your schedule is too extreme (after 10:00pm or before 8:00am), we may not be able to find a driver who can accommodate you.
[報名已截止 form has closed]