Day at the Statehouse

Based in the state capital, OSU students have a great opportunity to be active proponents of dentistry as a profession, as well as dental education. In collaberation with The Ohio Dental Association (ODA), ASDA sends over a dozen members every year to lobby for what we believe in!

[Access to Care]

Senate Bill 98
“Establish licensing of dental therapists”

This bill introduces dental therapists to Ohio to increase access to care, especially in rural and other underserved areas.

We oppose this legislation.

ASDA members with Rep. John Barnes Jr.

State Lobby Day 2018 Issues


House Bill 184
“Change dental practice and dental hygiene laws”

This bill introduces tele-dentistry, increases Ohio’s loan repayment program, creates a state scholarship, enhances the abilities of offsite dental auxiliaries, and promotes liscensure portability across states.

We support this legislation.

[Noncovered Services]

House Bill 367
“Prohibit dental insurer fee schedules for uncovered services”

This bill introduces a prohibition on insurance companies setting a cap on uncovered fees for their contracted dentists.

We support this legislation.

ODA Day at the Statehouse was an experience that every dental student should take advantage of. As a D2, the burnout can be very real at times. I found that by putting myself out there and overcoming any insecurities I had about lobbying, it turned out to be an empowering experience that re-energized my love for dentistry. I gained a sense of confidence that I do have a place in dentistry, and my voice can make a difference not only in how we practice dentistry, but in the best interest of our patients. The chance to be introduced to dentists from your county or surrounding areas in which you may want to practice one day is also invaluable.
Andrea Deuschle

Class of 2020, on "Day at the Statehouse"