On December 11th, FIRST® Alumni and Robotics at Ohio State, with help from the PAST foundation, hosted a drivetrain workshop for local FRC teams. During the workshop, teams learned about the basics of FRC as they learned how to build, wire, and program a kit of parts drivetrain. During the event, members of all teams were split up into three groups. The first group gained hands-on drivetrain assembly experience as they learned about the components of FRC drivetrains. The second group learned about the different electrical components of an FRC robot as they wired their own control boards. The third group learned about the basics of programming in FRC, including how to get controller input and use it to drive the robot. At the end of the event, the groups came together for a demo of a fully-functional drivetrain where they got to see how their group’s piece contributes to the robot as a whole. The teams drove the robot around and received general FRC advice from mentors and veterans.
FIRST® Alumni and Robotics at Ohio State will host another workshop for FRC teams on January 5th, as well as an FRC kickoff event on January 8th. FROS will also participate in Robot in 3 Days from the 8th to the 10th.
FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is an international non-profit organization founded in Machester, NH in 1989 by Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers. Their mission is to inspire PreK-12 students to be engaged in science and technology through mentor-based programs. In the FIRST® Robotics Competition, teams race against time to build, wire, and program 120 pound robots to compete in challenging games.
Big thanks to all of the teams that came to the event, and to the PAST foundation for letting us use their space to host it!