All posts by diep.15

4/21 Meeting: Finals Game Day

Hello Everyone,

This is it! This is the last meeting of the semester for GCC.

To finish the year off, we’re hosting a game day for everyone to rest and relax. We know this week probably has been and will continue to be stressful, so if you have some time, come join us tomorrow on Wednesday (4/21), 7:00PM to 8:30PM, to take a break and hang out with us on our last day!

Thank you to everyone for such a wonderful semester despite everything, good luck on your finals, and see you there!

4/14 Meeting: The Semester’s Last Jam Showcase

Hello Everyone,

We’ve made it to the this semester’s last game jam showcase. You’ve all worked hard and studied hard for this last game jam – now, it’s time to celebrate it! Talk about your game or try out games designed by other members. All the games developed over this weekend will get a chance to present their game to the club. If you’d like others to play your game while you talk about it, make sure to submit it as early as possible so the officers have time to put your game on the website to download. If you’ve got time between studying and testing to join, we’d love for you to drop by!

See you there!

Game Jam 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hello Everyone,

Our last game jam of the semester is this weekend! We’ll be having a meeting this Wednesday (4/7) from 7:00- 8:30 PM EST to reveal the theme. Group searches specifically made for this game jam will be made available on Discord at the start of our theme reveal. We will be having a daily meeting on Saturday and Sunday to give a chance for people to observe other people’s projects for inspiration and ask for advice. Remember, communication is key! You are not expected to be there for the full duration of the game jam but, you should tell your teammates when you can or cannot work on the project. Coordinating your efforts will be key to finishing your game in time.

See you there!

3/23 Meeting: Officer Elections

Hello everyone,

The weeks of campaigning are over! The new officers will be elected in this week’s meeting on Wednesday (3/24) from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST. We will be opening the meeting with voting sessions for each role, announcing the winners as we go, followed with a presentation from Youssef on Gameboy ROM reverse engineering! If time allows it, there will be a game night for a chill celebration in the passing of power.

New officer commencement giveaway!

We’ll be giving away a very special PS4 game (courtesy of Ghias) and a shirt with this year’s design at the start of this week’s meeting. Check our meeting room on discord for the giveaway event!

See you there!

3/17 Meeting: Music Discussion

Hello Everyone,

this meeting wilL be a bit sPecial, we’ll be featuring our very own clUb members! the officers are not the best people to teach you about sound design and muSic, so we’ve asked a few of our club’s musicians to help us out. the discussion will include some game music analysis, explanations on the imporTance of audio in games, cover some music tHeory, etc. come with some Examples of Your faVorite music and usEs of sound effecTs. are you amAzing at identifying songs or music? Brush up on your KnowlEdge for a mid meetiNg quiz! whether it’s melOdies or whateVer you can expEct it might be theRe!

Officer Elections

Campaigning is now open! Becoming an officer is a great opportunity to learn leadership skills and it will look great on your resume, so we hope to see you run!

Showcase signups

Project signups are now available. We’ll set aside some time during meetings to showcase your project, so submit anything that you want to show off! See you there!

See you there!

3/10 Meeting: Multivarious Guest Speaker

Hello everyone!

This week’s meeting will feature a very special guest: Cody Starcher from Multivarious Developer Studio! He’ll be speaking over Zoom tomorrow (3/10) from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST about his experience in the game industry, and he’ll also be answering your questions afterwards. If you’ve been thinking about joining a developer studio or starting one yourself (or just want to hear about what it’s like to work at one), come tomorrow to hear from a developer himself, and be sure to prepare any questions you’d like to have answered!

See you there!

3/3 Meeting: Concept Jam

Hello Everyone,

This week’s meeting will be held today (3/3), from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM on the Game Creation Club Discord server. It will be an impromptu concept jam that challenges you to design a game in under two hours! We will not actually be creating the game like in game jams but just expanding the planning period for fun and practice, so be prepared to dive into mechanics, flesh out characters, and create songs and art. At the end of the meeting, we’ll be voting on your concepts for some just-for-fun awards, so do your best!

Officer Elections
Campaigning is now open! Becoming an officer is a great opportunity to learn leadership skills and it will look great on your resume, so we hope to see you run!

We are pleased to announce that Multivarious, the host of the GDEX convention and a game development company, is coming to speak in March. As with last semester’s speaker, they’ll be talking about their experience in the game industry and opening the floor up for questions.

Showcase signups
Project showcase signups will be released soon. We’ll set aside some time during meetings to showcase your project, so submit anything that you want to show off! See you there!

See you there!

2/17 Meeting: Art Discussion

Hello Everyone!

This week’s meeting will be held this Wednesday (2/17) from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. We’ll be discussing art design, starting with basic elements to consider, and working our way through concepts to think about as you head for more specific styles.

Officer Elections
Campaigning is now open! We’ll be putting up a channel for campaigning for officer positions. Becoming an officer is a great opportunity to learn leadership skills and it will look great on your resume, so we hope to see you run!

Game Jam
We’ll be holding another game jam this semester! The Global Game Jam had an amazing turnout, and we were happy to see the enthusiasm you guys had and wanted to set up another session. More information about the upcoming game jam will be discussed during the meeting.

We are pleased to announce that Multivarious, the host of the GDEX convention and a game development company, is coming to speak in March. As with last semester’s speaker, they’ll be talking about their experience in the game industry and opening the floor up for questions.

Showcase signups
Project showcase signups will be released soon. We’ll set aside some time during meetings to showcase your project, so submit anything that you want to show off!

No meeting next week
As a reminder, next week has a mandatory break on Tuesday and Wednesday, so we will not be having a meeting.

See you there!

2/10 Meeting: Officer Election Info

Hello Everyone!

This week we’ll be discussing some important information for officer positions and the election. We’ll be meeting tomorrow 7PM-8:30PM EST. The officers will give a brief run down on each position’s responsibilities and tasks as well as any possible training that might be needed. The remainder of the meeting will be game night, so we would love to see you join us.

See you there!