Hey all,
This week we are talking about games in the past, present, and predicting the future! The meeting will take place Wednesday, Febuarary 26th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 206. As always, attending via Discord is an option.
See you there!
Hey all,
This week we are talking about games in the past, present, and predicting the future! The meeting will take place Wednesday, Febuarary 26th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 206. As always, attending via Discord is an option.
See you there!
Hey all,
This week we are so lucky to have our second guest speaker of the semester, Chris Volpe! He is the President of Multivarious, Executive Director of GDEX, Founder of Ohio Game Developer Association, and professor at C-State! The meeting will take place Wednesday, Febuarary 19th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 206. As always, attending via Discord is an option.
See you there!
Hey all,
This week we will be talking about shaders! The meeting will take place Wednesday, Febuarary 12th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 206. As always, attending via Discord is an option.
See you there!
Hey all,
This week we will have our first guest speaker of the year, Liz Hejny! Liz Hejny is a professor here at OSU and will be talking about VFX and art in games. The meeting will take place Wednesday, Febuarary 5th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 206. As always, attending via Discord is an option.
See you there!
Hey all,
This week we will be showcasing your game (yes you) from GGJ! As a quick aside, these showcase meetings are my absolute favorite and I can’t emphasize enough how cool it is to see what we have created as a club. The meeting will take place Wednesday, January 29h from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 206. As always, attending via Discord is an option.
See you there!
Hey all,
Its almost time for the first official meeting of the semester! This week we will be brainstorming ideas for the upcoming global game jam! The meeting will take place Wednesday, January 22th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 206. As always, attending via Discord is an option.
IMPORTANT: if you are a returning member we are in a different classroom than last semester!
See you there!
I hope everyone had a good first week back!
GCC will be at the spring involvement fair this Wednesday from 4-7 so feel free to say hello if you see us and let your friends know! Because of the involvement fair, our first meeting will be Wednesday 1/22 7pm where we brainstorm for Global Game Jam.
As per usual, we will be participating in Global Game Jam! The game jam will start Friday 1/24 and end on Sunday 1/26.
This semester we have plenty of exciting things planned such as guest speakers, mini-jams, GGJ, and more! If you are not already, make sure to join the discord here!
See you there!