The Skilling Tree

Download: Google Drive

Admittedly incomplete, but personally happy with the progress made over the past few days (frustrated mostly with terrain heightmap and navmeshing :\)

Control an apple farmer in a demo showing off basic mechanics such as gathering and trading to grow your skill tree and become better

More of a proof-of-concept than anything, there was an intended island to explore with more characters, but was scaled back due to time constraints and too many hurdles to overcome.

Special thanks to Brahm and Michael for doing the artwork. We hope to keep working on this project to make the game more fleshed out and add more/new characters to talk to.


Left Mouse Button – Move character / interact with objects. Hold Middle Mouse to rotate camera. WASD to move camera along X-Z plane. Scroll Wheel to zoom in/out.

General Goal: Satisfy Perry the Pearrible’s request so he can give you what you need to grow the Skill Tree


Dawson Pike
Michael White