September Wrap-Up

Hey everybody! We have a lot to talk about!

Game Jam: You can now find your games available to download from our Games page. We were so impressed with everybody’s work (especially our newcomers) that we gave out the first-ever GCC Awards:


GDEX: Last weekend, we were at hard at work playing  showing off your games and setting up some cool future events.

Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered! We couldn’t have done it without you.

T-shirts: Did you order a shirt? You can pick it up at a meeting! They’re $10, and we can accept cash or Venmo.

Moving forward: We’re gearing up to start some long-term projects. At our next meeting (10/11), we’re going to continue brainstorming, start solidifying project teams, setting up Discord channels, etc.

We can’t wait to see what you make! We know it’s going to be great.

Game Jam Info

Hi everybody!

Reminder that our first game jam is this weekend, 9/23-9/24. We’ll have Enarson 258 reserved from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. both days. Come out and make something cool!

Here are our projects from the tutorial series for you to reference (our code isn’t necessarily commented, so if there’s anything you need help with let us know!):

Here are some other recommended tutorials for Unity (with scripting done in C#):

Room & Time Updates

Hi everybody!

We have our updated room assignments: Tonight’s meeting will be in Campbell 309 from 8:30-10:30PM. We’re continuing our Clueless to Dev program and making a basic game together.

For the rest of the semester, meetings will be in Lazenby 34 from 8:30-10:30PM. Note the time change!

If you have any questions, let us know on Discord. See you at the meeting!

Room Update & Meeting – 9/6/17

Hi everybody!

Last week we had a big turnout! We know it was pretty crowded, and we’re in the process of reserving a bigger room. We’ll keep you updated, but for tonight, we’re back in Enarson 258 from 7-9 PM. We’ll be helping everyone get started with project setup and version control.

Can’t wait to see you there!

First Meeting – 8/30/17

Hello everybody!

GCC’s first meeting of the semester is tomorrow (8/30) in Enarson 258 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. We’ll be showing off what we do as a club and discussing our plans for the next month. We’re super excited to see everybody there!

P.S. There’s lots of ways to stay up-to-date with GCC. For immediate updates, make sure to join our Discord and/or follow our Facebook page. We also have a mailing list with meeting and event reminders; if you’d like to be added, let us know!

Upcoming Meeting – 3/22/2017

Hi everyone!

We hope you had a great spring break! At this week’s meeting we’ll be holding officer elections. We have four positions: president, vice president, treasurer, and webmaster. Make sure to come out and vote, or run for a position if you’re interested! Our meeting will be on Wednesday in Enarson 248, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Upcoming Meeting – 3/1/2017

Hey everybody! This week’s meeting is Wednesday, 3/1, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, in Enarson 248 (same bat time, same bat room).

This week we’ll be showcasing some personal and class projects, so if you have anything cool you’ve been working on and want to show it off, make sure to bring it to the meeting. We can’t wait to see you there!