Upcoming Meeting – 3/22/2017

Hi everyone!

We hope you had a great spring break! At this week’s meeting we’ll be holding officer elections. We have four positions: president, vice president, treasurer, and webmaster. Make sure to come out and vote, or run for a position if you’re interested! Our meeting will be on Wednesday in Enarson 248, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Upcoming Meeting – 3/1/2017

Hey everybody! This week’s meeting is Wednesday, 3/1, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, in Enarson 248 (same bat time, same bat room).

This week we’ll be showcasing some personal and class projects, so if you have anything cool you’ve been working on and want to show it off, make sure to bring it to the meeting. We can’t wait to see you there!

Upcoming Meeting and Game Jam

Hello everybody!

Our guests at this week’s meeting will be Multivarious Games, a Columbus-based game development company. (You may have seen their Kickstarter for their upcoming game, No Mercy.) As usual, the meeting will be on Wednesday, 2/22, at 6:30 in Enarson 248.

In other news, we’ll be hosting another game jam this weekend! The room is yet to be announced, but we’ll be meeting from 9am to midnight on 2/25 and 9am to 4:30pm on 2/26. We hope you can make it out!

Upcoming Meeting and Site Updates

Hello everyone!

The games you created at the Global Game Jam have been added to our games directory. Check them out!

You can expect several updates to the site in the next few weeks. If there’s anything specific you want to see here, feel free to leave suggestions in the discord!

This week’s meeting is tomorrow, 2/1, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, in Enarson 248. As of right now, this is our meeting place and time for the rest of the semester. We can’t wait to see you there!

Global Game Jam This Weekend!

Hi everybody,

Hope your semester is off to a great start! This is a reminder that we’ll be participating in the Global Game Jam this weekend (1/20 – 1/22)! We’ll be meeting in Hitchcock 030 (in the basement) at 5:30 on Friday. Make sure to sign up at the link above if you’re participating!

Also, meetings this semester will take place on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, in Enarson 248 (note the new room and time). We can’t wait to see you there!