1/17 Meeting: Coordination

Hello everyone,

Welcome back! Our first meeting of the semester will be covering coordination for game design projects! We will also have a quick introduction to the club for any new members! The meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 17th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 258. As always, you can tune in over Discord if you can’t make it in person!

As a heads-up, we are participating in Global Game Jam this semester! Keep the weekend of January 27th open if you’d like to participate!

See you there!

11/8 Meeting: Guest Speaker

Hello everyone,

This week, we will be hosting guest speaker Kevin Readen, a game developer with experience at Hi-Rez Studios and Genpop Interactive! There will be a lot of time to ask questions, so bring some! The meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 8th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 258. As always, attending via Discord is an option!

See you there!

10/11 Meeting: Game Night

Hello everyone,

This week, we will be hosting a Jackbox game night! The meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 11th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 258. Be sure to bring a device with an internet browser to play!

The store page for the 2023 GCC shirt is up! You can purchase it here.

In addition to the new design, another retro shirt design has emerged in our retro collection!

Lastly, a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the game jam! We’ve received a lot of great submissions, and will be showcasing them on the 18th after fall break.

See you there!

10/4 Meeting: Game Jam Brainstorm

Hello everyone,

It’s finally time for the game jam! We will be meeting this Wednesday, October 4th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 258 to reveal the theme and brainstorm game ideas!

The jam itself will take place this weekend, from 10/6 at 6:00pm to 10/8 at 6:00pm in ACCAD Suite, located in Sullivant Hall! You are allowed to contribute as much or as little as you want, and we welcome all skill levels!

Attending over Discord is an option for the brainstorming meeting and the jam!

Finally, a reminder that t-shirt contest entries are due TONIGHT! Get your designs in for a chance to win a free shirt! Enter your designs here.

See you there!