Involvement Fair

Hello everyone,

Welcome to all the new students, and welcome back to returning students! We are the Ohio State Game Creation Club, a club focused on game creation and design. Whether you are an artist, programmer, writer, musician, or just interested in game development, our club is open to all students. No experience is needed! We’re all learning together.

On Sunday, August 20th, from 4-7 pm, we will be at the OSU Involvement Fair at table 67 in the Special Interest Section! (That’s the green one on this map). Stop by to say hi, grab a sticker, and learn more about the club!

See you there!

4/19 Meeting: Final Meeting of SP23

Hello everyone,

This week, we will be holding our last meeting of the semester! To celebrate and unwind before finals, we will be hosting a game night! The meeting will take place in Enarson 258 from 7:00pm-8:30pm on Wednesday, April 19th. Attendance via Discord is an option, but may be tricky depending on what game we play. Speaking of which, vote for the game you want to play during the game night here, and feel free to bring your own games!

A huge thank you to Sebastian King and Keit Vu, our graduating officers this semester. This club would not be what it is today without you! And congratulations to Toby McGuire and Christopher Gordon, who will be joining us as officers next semester!

During the summer semester, we will not hold official meetings. However, if you want to stay involved, keep an eye on the Discord for game nights and other fun events!

See you there!

3/22 Meeting: Asset Jam + Officer Elections

Hello everyone,

Welcome back! Hope you had a good break! This week, we will be starting an asset jam! Asset jams are a great way to hone particular skills while not needing to worry about creating a finished game. Most of the meeting time will be dedicated to asset jam work, so be sure to bring any tools you may need! The meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 22nd from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in Enarson 258. As always, attending via Discord is an option.

We will also be hosting officer elections this week!  If you are interested in running, please check out the #2023-campaigning channel in our Discord!

And one final announcement: GCC is hosting a potluck! The potluck will occur on Friday, March 24th at Curl Viewpoint starting at 7:00pm. Feel free to bring food, games, and asset jam projects!

See you there!