Photo Album
Chilling outside of Nosker, eating Taiwanese breakfast (2021)
Chinese Juggling (2021)
Traditional Painting Night (2021)
Night Market (2019)
Enjoying soy milk during Taiwanese Breakfast (2022)
TPOK performance at Moon Fest (2021)
10/10 Games with TUNAxSASE (2022)
E-board prepping for Taiwanese Breakfast event (2021)
Chinese Checkers (2021)
Tour of Taiwan (2023)
Taiwanese Breakfast (2023)
Friends enjoying our BYOBT event (2021)
Answering questions about boba for a prize (2021)
Taiwanese breakfast foods galore (2021)
Mahjong! (2023)
Build Your Own Bubble Tea Toppings (2021)
Even More Mahjong! (2023)
Dumplings for Taiwanese Breakfast (2021)
Mahjong, a classic game (2021)
Umbrella performance At Moon Fest (2022)
More Mahjong! (2023)
Calligraphy Skills (2023)