Welcome to TLA!

The Logistics Association is a not-for-profit professional organization within the Fisher College of Business that provides leadership in developing, defining, and understanding the logistics process worldwide. It is a learning center for students in the form of concepts and best practices presented by logistics professionals. We strive to be a window of opportunity for students seeking full-time jobs, internships, and co-ops.

TLA is an open organization that offers individual memberships to students of all specializations. It seeks to involve individuals with broader backgrounds in its programs and activities, thereby assuring that the organization benefits from and develops the diversity of its members. The Logistics Association operates on a not-for-profit, self-supporting basis, emphasizing quality and flexibility while cooperating with other organizations and institutions. The ultimate aim is to provide students with as much information as possible about both the types of responsibilities they will have in various logistics positions and the types of skills they will need to advance.