COVID-19 Policy

(Created: 01/21/2022)
(Last Updated: 03/22/2023)

As a response to the current circumstances regarding COVID-19, the 2023 Culture Show will be held via In-Person Delivery. 

For the 24th Annual Culture Show: “Thả Diều.”, Please adhere to protocols as follows: 
  • All OSU Culture Show PERFORMERS and STAFF MUST submit a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 72 hours of Saturday, March 25th at 6:00 PM EST and submit to Verification Form for allowed entry into the Fawcett Center Conference Theater. 
    • Special Circumstances: If you have received a 90-day exemption from having tested positive within the past 90 days, testing is not required but is encouraged. If you are unable to test, in other words, please indicate next to your name (using our Verification Form) that you are exempt followed by submitting a file of your last COVID-19 results.
  • All OTHER GUESTS (external and non-university guests, friends and family) are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to take a test to ensure your own safety and the safety of all participating members but are NOT REQUIRED to submit a COVID-19 test result!

***Policies and protocols are subject to change in accordance to future updates from the CDC, Ohio State government, or The Ohio State University***

Please adhere to the following Preventative Measures as follows:
  • Attendees are not required to wear a face mask for the duration of the show. 
  • ALL attendees are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to wear a face mask over the nose and mouth for the entire duration of the show. Please see Figure 1 and below for examples of effective masks and mask-wearing. 
  • NO FOOD is allowed inside the Fawcett Center Conference Theater. Water will be provided at designated water stations.
  • Contact tracing will be conducted via Registration Check-In. 
  • Proof of vaccination and/or negative COVID-19 test result must be available if requested
  • If you are not feeling well or have been exposed to COVID-19, please keep yourself and everyone else safe by staying home!

Figure 1. How NOT to Wear a Mask (

Figure 2. Acceptable Masks (

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