
Saturday, May 5th: COSI Big Science Celebration (click here), 11 am – 5 pm

This event brings families to COSI to experience hands-on science at hundreds of booths representing science organizations from all over Ohio. We have participated with our “FUNdamentals of Genetics” booth since the very first event in 2019. We are hoping to recruit enough volunteers for two 3-hour shifts or three 2-hour shifts.

Spring Semester: BioEYES Festival on West Campus (contact us for more information if interested in volunteering)

This event brings 4th graders who participated in the week-long BioEYES program in their classrooms last fall to Rightmire Hall to tour the fish facility and do lots of fun hands-on genetics activities. On March 26, May 2, May 9, and May 14 we’ll host one morning session.