
Project name Description Grade level
Binary Beads Make a bracelet that spells your name using binary! Any
Op Amp Oscillator Build an oscillator circuit with an operational amplifier! 8th+
Circuit Game Demonstrate the principle that a circuit must be complete for current to flow. Try to maneuver the wand along the wire without touching! If you touch, the circuit is completed and the light turns on. 6th+
Wireless Energy Transfer Light up an LED in one circuit without even touching the circuit with the battery! 6th+
Solar Cooker Build your own solar cooker out of household materials! 4th+
Water Filtration Learn a simple and low cost way to filter contaminants from water. Any
Electric Train Build this “train” and watch it shoot down the track! 4th+
LED Flashlight Build this simple flashlight with a battery, resistor, and two LEDs! 4th+
Cartesian Diver Make the diver descend by squeezing the bottle. Just like a submarine! Any
CD Spectrometer Make the diver descend by squeezing the bottle. Just like a submarine! Any
3D Optics Make your own 3D pictures and view them! Any
Vacuum Fluorescent Displays Program a vacuum fluorescent display to display text, pictures, and animations! 7th+
Liquid Crystal Displays Build a square wave generator to drive a liquid crystal! 6th+
Smart Lighting Build a circuit that turns the light on when the room gets dim. Emulates a smart lighting system that turns off the room lights when the room is bright enough from ambient light. 6th+
Faraday Flashlight Build a Faraday flashlight that lights up with no battery – just shake it! Any
DC Motor Build a working DC Motor! 4th+
Jeopardy Game Each contestant or team builds a Jeopardy-style quiz circuit. 9th+
Audio Equalizer Build a low-pass, high-pass. and band-pass filter, and connect it to your mp3 player. 9th+
Paper Speaker Build a working speaker from paper, wire and a magnet. Any
LED Display Design a circuit to light up your initials! 4th+
Infrared Sensor Use a finger clip and circuit to measure your pulse rate! 9th+