Hey guys, so you’re probably here because you want to hear about your favorite movie critic and how he broke into the business. Well, that’s not what you’re going to get. This is a plug for my social media accounts which all happen to be fan accounts for Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. They need to get back together and it feels like I’m the only one who is doing any work here. So, if you believe in this cause please follow me on social media. I bet if I get enough follows Zanessa will notice and they will rekindle their love. They know they love each other; they are just currently lost in the sea of fishes. We have to give them that push in the right direction. They belong together like cotton on a lamb.  I mean, honestly, you can’t just sing all these songs with someone and star in three movies about your shared, real life, non-fictitious high school experience and then break up. THEY WILL GET BACK TOGETHER. ZANESSA 4 LYFE.