Category Zines

The Sundial’s Valentine’s Day Zine (2025)

Sticky post

You can download our Valentine’s Day Digital Zine here: Valentine’s Day Zine (.pdf) Or alternatively, read the Zine here. Enjoy!       Thanks for making it to the end! We hope you enjoyed. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sundialers!

Ted Carter Sleeps With Pajamas On Inside Out to Invoke Snow Day

Ahead of the inclement weather headed into Columbus on Monday, campus officials canceled all in-person classes. Students and staff alike all celebrated–Apparently, this is one of only 20 times it’s happened since that famous episode in ‘78! Even University President… Continue Reading →

An Eclipse Family Tradition

In the year 1878, my great great great great great grandmother carried out the following ritual as she witnessed the very first solar eclipse of her lifetime. As time went on, this has become a tradition for the generations of… Continue Reading →

Eclipse Zine Art Compliation!

  First slide designed by Grey Romohr Fourth slide designed by Bridget McGuinness Fifth slide designed by Sydney Katznelson

Top 5 Things to Do While Being Sexiled

This February love is in the air, and lovers are in your mutual living space! If you are one of the unfortunate souls who gets to watch your roommate be enthralled in the passion of a two-month-long relationship with the… Continue Reading →

Spotted: Brutus and Ted Carter on Romantic Valentine’s Day Date at Mirror Lake

After recent footage surfaced to the Sundial of Ted Carter and beloved mascot Brutus Buckeye taking a romantic walk around Mirror Lake at night, complete with holding hands and french kissing underneath the lights, students have been curious to see… Continue Reading →

Man Who Was Freshly Dumped Takes Bold Stance Against Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day today, many students all over campus have been bitten by the lovebug. However, it seems that some have hired an exterminator. Q Pid, a junior in the Psychology department, has recently taken a fierce oppositional stance to… Continue Reading →

Valentine’s Day: A Poetry Anthology

Scarlet is red, Michigan sucks, I have a fake, Join me at Bull’s? /// How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My hand can reach, when embracing… Continue Reading →

OPINION: The Media is Taking the Romance Too Far

I think the Superbowl is taking the Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce thing too far. There. I said it. It’s not because I hate Taylor Swift, because I don’t. They could never make me hate her (except for the insane… Continue Reading →

OPINION: Become More Delusional about Your Classroom Crush

Valentine’s Day is upon us and so is the intense yearning and longing for someone to just love you back during these cold winter months. You’ve tried dating apps and dating your friends; now try a random man in your… Continue Reading →

7 Tips to Flirt With Your Hot TA

Do not show up to class. Everyone loves a good mystery. Keep them guessing where you could possibly be at when attendance is 20% of the final grade. Show up to their office hours and stare at them without speaking… Continue Reading →

S.A.S.H.A to Bring OSU Tree Fucker as Guest Speaker During Sex Week

OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS – Sources from inside S.A.S.H.A indicate that their annual event occurring in the next few days, Sex Week 2023, will bring in the Ohio State Tree Fucker as a surprise guest. Rumors abounded that the guest… Continue Reading →

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