The Unchained OSU Fashion Show

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Fashion Show




Strategies for



What is the Unchained Fashion Show?

What does a fashion show have to do with human  trafficking?


The Unchained Fashion Show provides a visual and poetic representation of a person who has gone from an innocent child to a victim of trafficking, and how such a thing could possibly happen. Many people are unaware that people are being trafficked all over the world, including just down the street, and anyone can become trapped in slavery. 

The main goal of the show is education. We hope that the audience leaves more educated about human trafficking, as well as local resources and ways to help. We believe that giving audiences the knowledge and resources to recognize and report trafficking will make an impact in preventing themselves or others from becoming entangled in trafficking. The fashion show also raises money for the Strategies for Success Scholarship, which is awarded to survivors of human trafficking who are improving their lives through higher education.

When we tell people that we are an anti-human trafficking organization that puts on fashion shows, we often receive curiousity or looks of confusion about the connection between the two and how that works. The reason that we use fashion shows to talk about human trafficking is that the topic of human trafficking is complicated and heavy. It is often difficult to find the words for such a horrible thing. Art is powerful and it can speak when we can’t find the words. Through the fashion show we hope to engage our community in a unique and memorable way.


Money raised for the Strategies for Success Scholarship Fund since 2016

The Stages

The garments in the show are meant to reflect different time periods and experiences in a survivor of human trafficking’s journey.



Innocence, noun

in·​no·​cence | ˈi-nə-sən(t)s 

  1. absence of guile or corruption; purity
  2. freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense
  3. freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil; blamelessness
  4. freedom from sin or moral wrong
  5. lack of knowledge, naiveté
  6. lack of worldly experience or sophistication; simplicity


Unchained OSU’s human trafficking prevention efforts include education through our biweekly meetings and our signature awareness events, Overcomer Night and Rose Night. Through the fashion show we hope that people will leave more knowledgable about what human trafficking is, what grooming is, and signs and red flags to watch for.



Violation, noun

vi·​o·​la·​tion | vī-ə-ˈlā-shən 

  1. a breach, infringement, or transgression, as of a law, rule, promise, etc.
  2. an act of irreverence or desecration; profanation
  3. sexual molestation, especially rape
  4. a distortion of meaning or fact.
  5. infringement, transgression
  6. disturbance, interruption



Unchained OSU supports those in our community who are currently experiencing trafficking, addiction, homelessness, and abuse through our volunteering efforts during the academic year. Our members volunteer as a group at various nonprofit organizations around Columbus.



Restoration, noun

res·​to·​ra·​tion re-stə-ˈrā-shən

  1. renewal, revival, or reestablishment
  2. restitution of something taken away or lost
  3. a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition
  4. a bringing back to a former position or condition; reinstatement


Unchained OSU aims to help survivors of human trafficking in their work leaving the lifestyle and following their dreams. We are able to do this through the fundraising aspect of our fashion show, where all donations go towards the Strategies For Success Scholarship fund. This scholarship is awarded to survivors who are improving their lives by pursuing their educational goals.