About Us


We are Buckeyes for Accessibility (B4A), a student-run organization at The Ohio State University dedicated to building an inclusive and accessible campus. We aim to foster a strong community and support network among Disabled students and allies, educate on Disability history and experiences, develop resources to aid those working and studying on campus, and improve OSU’s policies to better accommodate the access needs its faculty, staff, students, and community members.

Our Community:

Our community aims to bring students together to laugh, vent, get support, work to improve campus accessibility, learn about each other, and enjoy each other’s company.

We come from all sides of the Disability community, including (but not limited to) the Mental Health, Chronic Health/Spoonie, Neurodiverse, Aspie, Physical/Mobility, Blind/Low Vision/Visually Impaired, and Deaf/Hard of Hearing communities. We also welcome allies, those unsure of how Disability fits into their story, and anyone with an interest in improving accessibility on campus.

B4A hosts weekly meetings (some over Zoom and some in-person), various events, and an active groupchat. For more information, and a calendar of upcoming meetings and events, click here.

Our Resources and Activism:

B4A’s goals extend beyond building community; we also work to build a more accessible campus. Many of our members, both inside and outside of leadership roles, are involved in Disability activism and projects involving accessibility.

As B4A, we collaborate with arms of OSU’s administration (including SLDS, the University Senate, and OSU’s ADA coordinator) to fix accessibility issues around campus. This sometimes involves creating our own resources and/or collaborating with other organizations. To see an overview of some of our current projects, click here.

We are always looking for new ways to improve and promote accessibility, and we welcome anyone who shares our passion to get involved!

Learn More About Us:

Vision/Missions/What We Do

Our History

Current Officers/Members

Our Logo

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