PSYCH 7871 – Social Cognition (with Fazio):
“Overlaps and complements content from Attitudes and Persuasion. Social cognition refers to the interaction of judgements and perception, and covers topics like priming, accessibility, and bias. Dr. Fazio is another highly influential scholar in the field.” |
PSYCH 7873 – Attitudes & Persuasion (with Petty):
“Dr. Petty is absolutely unbelievable; he is a great lecturer and a very influential scholar in the persuasion field. In this class he discusses several persuasion theories. If you are interested in psychology or persuasion, this course is highly recommended.” |
PSYCH 7708 – Psychological Judgment and Decision Making (with Dekay):
“It is a lecture-based introductory course on decision making theories and models. Lots of interesting and useful concepts are covered, some of which can be applied to communication studies. The readings are super interesting as well. It’s mostly lecture so there’s not much workload.” |
PSYCH 6822 – Mediation and Moderation (with Pek):
“A good overview of moderation and (somewhat) mediation” |
PSYCH 7821 – Fundamentals of Factor Analysis:
“This course covers PCA, EFA, and CFA. You learn how the do the math for the underlying variance structures. Complements information learned in SEM.” |
PSYCH 7821 – Covariance Structure Modeling |
PSYCH 7823 – Longitudinal Data Analysis (with Pek):
“ A good overview of multi-level modeling and (somewhat) longitudinal data analysis” |