10/16 Meeting

First of all, important note: our meeting this week will be in Campbell 251 from 7 – 8:30, not Campbell 309; same building, down a floor.

We’ll be starting our month long projects tomorrow! Come with ideas of what kind of game you’d like to make. After we give a basic overview of the project, you’ll have time to form groups and develop your ideas. If you can’t make the meeting, we’ll be posting what groups formed on the discord, so look there if you’re interested in participating.

Also, the t-shirt contest is still ongoing! As in last week’s email, here are some resources, and here is the submission form. Again, we only ask that you include “Game Creation Club” or “GCC” somewhere in the design and will reward the winning designer with a free shirt. We’ll be voting on submissions during our meeting next week, so get yours in!

10/9 Meeting

In anticipation of fall break, this week we’ll be playing Jackbox and hanging out in Campbell 309 from 7 – 8:30. Feel free to bring other games, too, though do be aware we only have the one projector to work with.

As a head’s up, at next week’s meeting we’ll be beginning month-long projects. We’ll be providing more details in the next email, but get ready to group up and make some games.

Also, we’re hosting a t-shirt design competition! We’ve compiled some resources here, including club assets and available base shirt colors. The only parameter is to include “GCC” or “Game Creation Club” somewhere in your design. The winner will receive a free shirt and the glory of having made the design.
Submissions are due by 5 pm on October 23rd. We’ll vote on them at that day’s meeting. Upload them here.

10/2 Meeting

Thanks to everyone who came to the game jam! We hope you had fun and learned a thing or two.

Tomorrow, we’ll be meeting again in Campbell Hall 309 from 7 – 8:30 pm to show off everything you made at the jam. If you made something and want to share it, bring a device that can run it and we’ll give you the spotlight of the projector to show it off.

Also, send us what you made! We publish your games on our website and share them at GDEX. If you’re interested, please send the files through this form. To be clear, you don’t have to submit anything here to present at the meeting tomorrow; this is just to archive your hard work.

GCC Fall Game Jam!

This year’s first in-house Game Jam will be held September 27-29 in Enarson Classroom Building room 222, starting Friday at 6 pm and ending Sunday at 5 pm. Game jams are weekend long events in which you or a team make an entire game in 48 hours. While this may seem like a difficult feat if you are new to game development, game jams are the perfect place to learn! Everyone is welcome to participate in the game jam, regardless of experience or involvement with the club. You do not have to attend the entire game jam, and you are welcome to participate in whatever way you can.

We look forward to seeing what everyone creates!

9/18 Meeting – Unity Tutorial

This week we’ll be meeting again in Campbell Hall 309 from 7 to 8:30 pm for a Unity tutorial. We’ll be going over the basics of using Unity to make a 3D game. No previous experience is required, though we hope you’ll be able to learn something even if you’re a Unity expert.

If you want to follow along, you can bring your laptop. Please install Unity ahead of time. If you install Unity Hub, make sure you also install the latest version of Unity Editor. This can be done through the ‘installs’ section in Unity Hub.

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a great summer! As the new semester is starting up, so is Game Creation Club. Today we’ll be at the involvement fair today from 4-7pm at table 725 in the Special Interests section.  Whether you are a returning member, or interested in joining and learning what we do, we’d love for you to stop by.

Meetings for the fall semester start on August 28th, and repeat every Wednesday.  Meetings are held in Campbell Hall room 309 from 7:00-8:30pm.

Be sure to join our mailing list to stay up to date about upcoming meetings and events. You can also join our Discord server following this invite.

Spring Game Jam

This weekend, March 29-31, is our spring semester game jam! The Spring Game Jam will kick off Friday evening at 6:30pm in Enarson Classroom Building, Room 258. We have this room for the entirety of the jam. Below are the times we have the room each day:

Friday: 6:00pm – 11:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 11:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am – 3:00pm