STEMBot Outreach Program

February 2024, UWRT went to the Columbus School for Girls. There the team showed off Talos, the team’s newest robot, and gave students the chance to ask questions and interact with it. Additionally, Amber, the team’s president from 2023-2024, shared her journey in engineering and robotics. The event gave young girls the chance to see what a career in STEM could offer. Some lucky attendees even got to take the reins and maneuver Talos through obstacles underwater, experiencing firsthand the thrill the team feels at RoboSub.

Software Day at Stembot
Stembot Team
2023 Stembot Test Day

STEMBot Outreach Program

Beginning of the year 2022, the team ran the pilot program of STEMBot, a 5-week after-school program at Rosemore middle school. Each day members taught science and engineering principles leading up to putting together and driving mini-robosubs! The program was a resounding success and the beginning of many!

The team continued STEMBot in 2023, returning to Rosemore Middle School with an improved lesson plan. Focused on polishing the program from the previous year, this year the team gave students additional hands on experience developing underwater vehicles.

Read more about the pilot program on our blogpost.

Software Day at Stembot
Stembot Team
2023 Stembot Test Day

A few pictures from the STEMBot presentations in years passed followed by a showcase of the multi-day STEMBot Workshop! Huge thank you to our volunteers!

Maker X

Maker X is a local maker fair that takes place at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. It serves as an opportunity get the community involved in projects ranging from cosplays to battlebots.

Maker X Photo

Cosi Events and Conferences

For several years, UWRT has worked with the local science center, COSI, and gone to conferences to give presentations and demonstrations about robotics to audiences from elementary to retirement.

COSI Photo

The Ohio State University Underwater Robotics Team

Dreese Laboratory
2015 Neil Ave.
Room 457
Columbus, OH, 43210, USA


Ohio State Underwater Robotics Team Logo