What does it mean to me.

Love is PG-13.
This stuff ain’t for kids.

Love is a wild chimpanzee.
You want to cage it and keep it for a pet
but it could kill you.

Love is an orthodontist.
People’s mouths are so disgusting,
just do it for the money.

Love is a superhero’s cape.
It looks fly and everyone wants one,
but it’s not as magical as it seems.

Love is five o’clock.
As the saying goes,
Always somewhere.

Love is a pacifier.
A dangerous habit
easy to get attached to.

Love is Pluto.
Just because it isn’t a planet
doesn’t mean it’s not still there.

Love is the plastic coating on a shoelace.
Delicate if you walk on it too much
and irreplaceable.

Love is PB&J
A combination so epic,
some things are just made for each other.

Love is semantic satiation.
We say it so much,
do we even know what it means?

-Travis Filicky, Contributor