But have you ever stumbled upon a stereotype that didn’t seem to really make sense? Like, everyone agreed on it, but why? For instance, I had to explain to my roommate the other day why Slavs love squatting, and I honestly could not do it. Which got me thinking: What if instead of hate, we had nonsense? So I wrote this list of better stereotypes that probably shouldn’t offend anybody maybe. And the next time you see people on the internet discussing any sort of a country for which you have little reference, pull out this list so you can say something that’s as ignorant as it is perplexing.

Disclaimer: I am a white male, so there’s a 90% chance I say something accidentally racist, and that is totally my bad. There’s also nearly a 100% chance that something in here is going to clear “stupid and pointless” by a mile and land squarely in, “factually and demonstrably wrong,” so remember that my research for this bordered on nonexistent.

What Are People from Every Country Like?

A world tour conducted in confusing misjudgements of national character.

Afghanistan: Chronically uncertain about whether McD’s or BK is better.

Albania: Think stamps are a terrible idea.

Algeria: Confused about styrofoam.

Andorra: Prefer upside-down electrical outlets.

Angola: Think shoes are dumb as a fashion statement.

Antigua and Barbuda: Keep confusing which island they’re on.

Argentina: Super into Icebreakers.

Armenia: Wish they had a Wonder of the World.

Australia: Excellent at knock-knock jokes.

Austria: Think printer paper should be thicker.

Azerbaijan: Secretly hate the metric system.

Bahamas, the: Like to vacation in Idaho.

Bahrain: Drink tons of Capri-sun.

Bangladesh: Offended by the idea of air fresheners.

Barbados: Prefer romantic lying-on-a-hill to romantic walks.

Belarus: Don’t think baby bears are all that cute.

Belgium: Cannot be sincere about whether they liked your performance in your High School production of “Into the Woods.”

Belize: Collect Naruto merch, don’t tell anyone about it.

Benin: Natural aptitude for crocheting.

Bhutan: Keep their cards loose instead of in a wallet.

Bolivia: Fantastic at blackjack, awful at 5-card stud.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Always accidentally wear sweaters when it’s really too warm, won’t admit they made a mistake.

Botswana: Won’t drink out of twist-cap bottles.

Brazil: Buy blue Solo cups instead of red just to make a statement.

Brunei: Write lots of Shakespeare fanfiction.

Bulgaria: Only swear to make themselves seem tough.

Burkina Faso: Hyphenate a lot of words.

Burma: Average body temperature runs more like 97.9 deg.F

Burundi: Think lizards are really cute.

Cambodia: Think mom-jeans are hot.

Cameroon: Eat lots of cookies.

Canada: Still a little worried about the Mayan prophecy.

Cape Verde: Excellent handwriting.

Central African Republic: Not sure about the difference between a republic and a democracy.

Chad: Use scissors left-handed.

Chile: Stress out about semi-colons.

China: Can never remember to switch the laundry.

Colombia: Not actually all that into soccer.

Comoros: Really like plain white Reeboks, mild crush on Cambodians.

Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Prefer low cheekbones.

Congo, Republic of the: Think islands seem unsafe.

Costa Rica: Everyone ties their shoes bunny-ear style.

Croatia: Lift with their backs.

Cuba: Comb their hair a lot more than is necessary.

Cyprus: Eat very slowly, still manage to overeat.

Czech Republic: Still think Ghostbusters was a drama.

Denmark: Only purchase very cheap headphones.

Djibouti: Never lose pencils, consider them too important to be without.

Dominica: Don’t like to eat breakfast.

Dominican Republic: Think the Coke logo is tacky.

East Timor: Impeccable senses of direction.

Ecuador: Prefer it to be very humid.

Egypt: Still pissed about whatever happened to the Sphinx.

El Salvador: Think German is a beautiful language.

Equatorial Guinea: Really fond of gum.

Eritrea: Terrible at World of Warcraft.

Estonia: Think cigarettes should be thicker.

Ethiopia: Bored by soap operas.

Fiji: Not actually all that into fancy water.

Finland: Very strong bones.

France: Use very small towels.

Gabon: Moisturize compulsively.

Gambia, the: Thought the Les Mis movie was really good.

Georgia: Sometimes speak with a Southern-American accent just for shits.

Germany: Write a lot of checks.

Ghana: Think puns are actually super funny.

Greece: Kind of weirded out by shellfish.

Grenada: Think Republic-of-the-Congonians are pussies.

Guatemala: Think pizza is overrated.

Guinea: Eat a lot of hummus.

Guinea-Bissau: Really fond of Canadians.

Guyana: Wish the Dreamcast hadn’t failed.

Haiti: Already tired of Game of Thrones.

Honduras: Don’t get the fuss about Kate Upton.

Hungary: Hate list pieces (sorry, guys).

Iceland: Get in a lot of internet arguments with Hondurans about Kate Upton.

India: Scared of seals.

Indonesia: If they put a shirt on inside-out, they just leave it that way.

Iran: Skip a lot. Like, walking skip. They actually don’t skip when it’s commercials on the DVR.

Iraq: Think snapping your fingers seems angry. Never snap near an Iraqi.

Ireland: Attracted to big shoulder-blades.

Israel: Prefer concrete to asphalt, think it looks cleaner.

Italy: Actually totally normal. Viva L’Italia!

Ivory Coast: Still think Bill Clinton is president of the U.S.A. It’s mostly just being in denial, they love saxophones.

Jamaica: Can count really fast. Like, unnaturally fast.

Japan: Wish that more denominations of money came in coins.

Jordan: Prefer vertical to horizontal window blinds.

Kazakhstan: Like really hard pillows, yet sleep on their stomachs.

Kenya: Just now getting into 80’s power ballads, the rest of us can only feel jealousy for their beautiful naïveté.

Kiribati: Own tons of stuffed animals.

Korea, North: Prefer gel to stick deodorant.

Korea, South: Thinks North Korea’s deodorant preferences are fucked up, and rightfully so.

Kosovo: Not as good at dancing as they like to think.

Kuwait: Weirdly good at geography. No I don’t care what countries contain the Amazon Rainforest, why would I care about that, Kuwait.

Kyrgyzstan: Annoyed by the sound peeling scotch tape makes.

Laos: Don’t realize how sexual eating a banana looks. Really sexual.

Latvia: Still in their Goth phase, godspeed.

Lebanon: Always forget to turn the TV off, embarrassingly always leave it on Days of Our Lives marathons.

Lesotho: Never liked Andy Warhol, but have good justifications for it.

Liberia: Refuse to use Child-proof caps.

Libya: Don’t really like chocolate.

Liechtenstein: Check their Facebook before their texts.

Lithuania: Can never remember where France is.

Luxembourg: Terrible at Scrabble.

Macedonia: Use extremely inky pens, large population of depressed left-handed people.

Madagascar: Prefer to use matches instead of lighters.

Malawi: Never ask for directions, always get lost.

Malaysia: Wish Mexico-senpai would notice them.

Maldives: Instinctual knowledge of boating.

Mali: Squeeze handles before using them.

Malta: Think tie-dye is really cool.

Marshall Islands: Have no idea who Marshall was.

Mauritania: Love their mothers-in-law.

Mexico: No idea that Malaysia is a country.

Micronesia, Federated States of: Terrified of commitment.

Moldova: Really good at basketball; never play basketball.

Monaco: Hate noir detective novels.

Mongolia: Always carry a change of socks.

Montenegro: Very generous towards the homeless. You go, Montenegro.

Morocco: Curious about waterskiing.

Mozambique: Rolls their sleeves up because they saw it in Grease.

Namibia: Thought Grease was dumb.

Nauru: Think Greece is dumb.

Nepal: Prefer valleys.

Netherlands: Still not getting that their country sounds kind of sexual.

New Zealand: Only smirked when they watched, “Who’s On First,” but to be fair they have no idea how in the hell baseball works.

Nicaragua: Think cigars look silly, still like to smoke them.

Niger: Think triceratops was the coolest dinosaur.

Nigeria: Crack their necks more often than their fingers.

Niue: Prefer women shorter than 5’3”.

Norway: Always get confused and think Hamlet was about their country. Me too, Norway.

Oman: Almost a 0% incidence rate of male sexual dysfunction.

Pakistan: Always take 15 longer than they think to get ready.

Palau: Ambidextrous with handguns.

Palestine: Still haven’t seen Star Wars.

Panama: Extraordinarily gullible. “No, really Panama, we want to build you a canal because it’ll be good for *you.*”

Papua New Guinea: Hate wearing sunglasses, unless they’re those springy roll-glasses from the eye-doctor, because those are awesome.

Paraguay: Perpetually afraid of mice.

Peru: Spend a lot of money on Pay-Per-View.

Philippines: Wish their country was more mountainous.

Poland: Love, “Where the Wild Things Are,” maybe a little too much.

Portugal: Always have stuffy noses.

Qatar: Cannot say, “specificity.”

Romania: Good at jigsaw puzzles.

Russia: Secretly suspect ants might be telepathic with one another. Can’t be disproved, I guess.

Rwanda: Settle everything with rock-paper-scissors, but call it, “paper-rock-scissors.” Weird.

Saint Kitts and Nevis: Thought that Twilight was really deep.

Saint Lucia: Only ever talk about getting a tattoo, never do it.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Still trying to make it big as a band.

Samoa: Wear a ton of khaki.

San Marino: Cried at the end of that Robert Pattinson movie, “Remember Me.”

São Tomé and Príncipe: Hate idioms.

Saudi Arabia: Enjoy standardized tests.

Senegal: Probably hiding something.

Serbia: Terrible sense of smell.

Seychelles: Never complain about the weather.

Sierra Leone: Suck at, “I Spy.”

Singapore: Wonder about the moon a lot.

Slovakia: Hate minivans.

Slovenia: Love minivans.

Solomon Islands: Extremely indecisive. About minivans.

Somalia: Awful sense of balance.

South Africa: Wish Circuit City hadn’t gone out of business.

South Sudan: Speak very slowly.

Spain: Always stop eating before they’re too full.

Sri Lanka: Very grumpy in the morning.

Sudan: Easily amused by Post-It notes.

Suriname: Notorious pranksters.

Swaziland: Habitually bounce their legs, get angry if you point it out.

Sweden: Can never remember their left and right.

Switzerland: Use a lot of Ad Hominem.

Syria: Awful liars.

Tajikistan: Amazing punk musicians, terrible pop-punk musicians.

Tanzania: Bitter about Radiohead’s later albums.

Thailand: Think English sounds dumb but are actually thinking about Spanish.

Togo: Prefer lagers to ales.

Tonga: Draw lots of swords on everything.

Trinidad and Tobago: Think the Digimon Movie totally holds up. I’m sorry, guys, but no. Fatboy Slim is awesome though, you’re right.

Tunisia: Can’t stay on one radio station for more than two songs.

Turkey: Use the “Potato, potahto” line without knowing what exactly it means.

Turkmenistan: Always write out the number, no matter how large.

Tuvalu: Not susceptible to deals at the supermarket.

Uganda: Hate wearing gloves.

Ukraine: Always whistling.

United Arab Emirates: Meticulous about aural hygiene.

United Kingdom: Really subtly into buttons. Reeeeeaally super subtly.



United States of America: Fantastic at Pictionary and have no idea they are.

Uruguay: Never have awkward teen phases.

Uzbekistan: Have awkward twenty-something phases instead of teen phases.

Vanuatu: Dislike the Pokemon games.

Vatican City: Try drinking from the wrong side of the glass before holding their breath to cure hiccups.

Venezuela: Still drink a ton of Tang.

Vietnam: When counting on fingers, go, “1-thumb, 2-index, 3-pinky, 4-ring, 5-middle.”

Yemen: Love traveling songs.

Zambia: Wish people appreciated Taylor Swift more.

Zimbabwe: Perplexed by honey. What is it? Who knows.

-Ryan Greer, Staff-Writer