Pop Band Hijinks
(Name of British pop band in which no one is named Charles or Perry) went down to the (name of restaurant where Arnold Schwarzenegger has not said said one of his catch phrases) to grab a bite of (food that has 24 times more calories than it has letters in its name).They enjoyed their meal after a long day of (gerund that involves something along the lines of being an asshole on social media). Before they left the restaurant, a (adjective that captures the essence of being in a loveless relationship with your cat) waiter chased them down to ask why the drew an (animal that has four legs, a tail, but that absolutely cannot do math under any circumstances) in place of where they should have left a tip. The band replies “(expletive that involves complimenting dolphins)” and the saunter off to go watch (one of the Expendables movies). After finishing that great piece of cinema, the band shops online for (an item that is inoffensive to gypsies). This item will allow them (activitiy involving the Little River Band) better than (celebrity who is generally good at aforementioned activity). After a rousing round of that, the group unanimously decided that (a different shade of red than “fire engine red”) is the best shade of red. Later, the oldest member of the band decided to marry the youngest member of the band in (a continent south of the equator). They lived (adverb the doesnt end in ‘ly’) (an amount of time equal to or greater than 5 weeks).
-Vanilla Valley, Contributor