You helped with the war effort, there is no doubt in my mind,
but when you take away my sleep, empathy is hard to find.

Yes, we may have satellite controlled clocks on our phones,
but resetting the microwave clock still aches me to my bones.

And what’s the deal with the “s” on the end of “daylight savings?”
Is it supposed to be there, or isn’t it. Is this some sort of hazing?

I’ve gone all my life saying “Daylight Savings Time” like its no big deal,
But when I search Google, its all like “Nah, dawg. There’s one ‘s,’ for real.”

And, like, I’m really not that big of a fan of the sunlight anyway, dude.
So forcing me to be exposed to that shit before I even wake up is straight rude.

And I know that this sleep you’re taking away from me will be returned in six months,
But maybe I had some plans on Sunday that require me to get 8 hours for once.

So here’s to you, oh six months of waking up an hour early every day,
You pissed us off enough for decades now, so please, go away.

-Vanilla Valley, Staff-Member