What is the capital of Europe?

  1. Brazil
  2. Prussia
  3. Turkey
  4. Ham
  5. Roast Greece


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if Chuck had not been cancelled?

  1. Four Score
  2. 7 Pounds
  3. 11 Inches
  4. 30 Galleons
  5. 5 Seasons


Is maths equaled?

  1. Galaxy Quest
  2. Gatorade
  3. Gluten
  4. Gyarados
  5. All of the Below


Put in order from least to leaster.

  1. 1, 5, 8, 6, 9
  2. 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
  3. %$#@!
  4. fourth option
  5. (>’-‘)> <(‘-‘<) ^(‘ – ‘)^ <(‘-‘<) (>’-‘)>


.eil a si efil ruoY .epoh lla pu eviG

  1. .hgin si dne ehT
  2. .hsirep llahs llA
  3. .htaed raef ton od I
  4. ?tey ti teg uoy oD
  5. !nataS liaH









you failed

-Vanilla Valley, Staff-Member