1. Hillary Clinton didn’t support same-sex marriage until it became popular.

  • The fact is that Hillary released a statement through the Human Rights Campaign supporting same-sex marriage a full two years before it became legal. Same-sex marriage became popular when it became legal. It is absurd to think that Hillary waited to endorse same-sex marriage until it became unpopular to oppose same-sex marriage.

  1. Hillary Clinton doesn’t support universal healthcare because she believes in it.

  • Listen, just because someone doesn’t specifically support something being implemented tomorrow doesn’t mean they don’t support it happening eventually. Just because a candidate supports Universal Healthcare doesn’t mean that you should support them, especially if you think Healthcare should be a human right. Don’t vote for what you want, vote for what could eventually happen maybe if we take tiny baby steps. That’s how every other developed country did it!

  1. Hillary Clinton isn’t a feminist just because she is a woman.

  • Listen, Gloria Steinem already said that the only reason young women support Sanders in higher numbers is because young men support Sanders. Quit thinking with your vaginas, ladies. A real political decision should not be based on your views concerning healthcare, economic inequality, history of previous policy decisions, international relationships, or the approval of drone strikes on innocent civilians. A real political decision is based on whether or not a candidate falls into the same demographics as you. Intersectionality is not a thing.

  1. Hillary Clinton made a lot of money being a paid speaker at Wall Street firms before her 2016 presidential campaign.

  • Listen, Hillary’s net worth is roughly $31 Million. The fact that she made over $600,000 dollars as a paid speaker at Goldman-Sachs does not automatically mean that she supports Wall Street and that she did not go hard on Trading Firms that caused the great recession!

  1. Hillary Clinton is not antagonistic of Wall Street.

  • Clinton totally hates Wall Street and the increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor in America. It says so on her campaign website, so it has to be true! Nevermind her previous support of NAFTA, that Citigroup and Goldman Sachs are her top campaign contributors, and that she is a former member of Wal-Mart’s board of directors. People change.

  1. Hillary Clinton is the least firm in her views.

  • Hey that’s how you play the political game. Not through populous elections or through the promotion of a specific political ideology or philosophy. You just kind of act like your moving up the ladder in a corporate climate. Not the Hillary is corporate in any way

  1. Hillary received more delegates after the New Hampshire primary despite losing to other Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders

  • Hey, just because one candidate received more of the popular vote doesn’t mean that former politicians need to support them. Where do you think we live, in some sort of representative democracy?

  1. Hillary Clinton has disproportionately polled highest among millionaires

  • Hey, millionaires have opinions too. Just because millionaires favor Hillary disproportionately doesn’t automatically mean that they benefit from her being elected. Grow up, please. Everyone deserves equality, and millionaires are more equal than others.

  1. Politics are a goddamn farce in the U.S., and both Democrats and Republicans support big business over 99% of the rest of the population.

  • Woah, woah, woah you need to calm down. Here, I’ll give you $3 a day to feed yourself so that you can make it on your own.

  1. If the American people want true change, they need to recognize every person’s common humanity and actually face the issues that are hurting them. If they don’t either we’ll all die from climate change by 2075 or the 1% will own all the wealth they haven’t earned by 2050.

  • You’re stupid, climate change isn’t a thing, all lives matter, and everything is going to be fine. If you’re really concerned you should vote for that Jewish guy that has a history of supporting the bombing of Palestinians.

  1. Hillary also has a history of supporting Israel and their occupation of Palestine. How is this a democracy if every presidential candidate agrees that sending $8.1 million to the Israeli military occupation is okay?

  • Fuck You.

-Kelli Knipe, Senior Staff Member and avid Jill Stein supporter