You need to ace this exam, and you can do it too! Here are some tips to help you prepare for your next exam.

Before the exam

  • If your eyes are drooping during boring review sessions, close your eyes. You only need to listen, really.
  • Between each section you study, take a nap. Sleep will help your brain absorb the information and keep you awake enough to review the next section.
  • Never study for more than two consecutive hours without a nap. Save your stamina for the exam.
  • If you feel tired while studying, you need a break. Students that study while tired have more trouble recalling important information during the exam.
  • Never pull an all-nighter before the exam. Sleep a sound 12-15 hours so there’s no chance you’ll be tired during the exam.

The day of the exam

  • Snoozing is a great way to sneak in some extra shut-eye. Set your alarm for an ungodly hour and hit the snooze button every 10 minutes for several hours before the exam.
  • Drink coffee. This goes without saying, but caffeine helps your brain work faster to remember the right answers sooner.

During the exam

  • If you feel sleepy during the exam, try a quick power nap. The best time to sleep during the exam is as soon as you get to your seat.
  • If you’re anxious about finishing, sleep during the last 10 minutes of the exam. You’ll miss the instructor counting down the final minutes, and you’ll feel well rested when the exam is over.

After the exam

  • Go to bed. You’re going to lose a lot of sleep after you get your grade.

-Travis Filicky, Senior Staff Member