COLUMBUS — Upon returning to campus, many Ohio State students’ dreams came true when the legendary Mirror Lake, a campus icon, was reopened to the public eye and restored to its former glory after its lengthy renovation process.
The new Mirror Lake is the long-lost oasis of South campus, and, as campus officials have been quick to promote, has Wi-Fi connectivity surrounding the area of the lake. This way, you can ignore the beauty of the outdoors in peace and, if you’re a freshman, binge watch Netflix on your brand-new iPad Pro that every other student’s tuition helped pay for. Throughout the lake, you’ll find various new aesthetic features, including a spectacular waterfall with a height of approximately eight inches, and some submerged pumps within the center of the lake that make the water swirl around a little bit. The noise of the slight movement of the water provides the perfect background noise for studying, as long as you can also handle the whirring of students speeding around the lake on Lime Scooters like it’s a Mario Kart course.
Even though you can no longer see any reflection in Mirror Lake due to pond scum, worry not; the beautiful new gazebo along the West end of the lake is the answer to your problems. When you sit down on the benches near the gazebo, your view of the water is partially obstructed, which is perfect for when you want to close your eyes and imagine when Mirror Lake didn’t look like a dirty, poorly maintained pond you’d find in the back nine of a dilapidated golf course. All things considered, the new Mirror Lake is the best and most necessary change at Ohio State since the addition of the Tom W. Davis clock tower last fall, and I for one can’t wait to enjoy it just as much as I did last year.