Everyone is for saving the Bees

Large bodies of water are named after C

People are totally fine with saying “I love U” and do it very often.

People exclaim O whenever they learn something, or tell time, or begin a song.

Pirates say “R” but it’s okay

K is used as a basically universal response

Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote an entire book about a Red-letter A, and his work is praised as masterful and is taught at virtually every high school. If we teach kids about the alphabet before elementary school, why can’t they appreciate it until high school??

And toddlers say Y constantly.

But no, Kids can’t say P. Just because it sounds like urination, or where some people urinate from. I’m sick of such targeted discrimination which people pretend is normal.

Earlier today, my beloved 5-year-old Kylo, was expelled from his Early childhood school for allegedly saying “Pee-Pee” constantly. His teacher, Ms. Emmy, told Kylo that his behavior was inappropriate, and if he didn’t stop, he would have his star moved. But Kylo continued to voice his admiration to his favorite (and probably only) letter. Ms. Emmy could not stand for such disrespect for authority, and as Kylo repeated his “P”-ing despite his teacher’s pleading, Ms. Emmy demanded that my precious Kylo be exPelled. I became extremely perplexed and perturbed by this. How can we stand for such injustice in our community???

I’m sick of the status quo dictating who can love what, because they are afraid of people different from themselves openly loving something unorthodox. 

I will not rest until every child can love every letter in the alphabet, all 25 of them. Because we still haven’t found X, even with all the math teachers indoctrinating children (and pirates) to do so.

– Patricia Palmer

Written by Idris Malik, Staff Writer