Welcome back to the horoscope page! Astrology is often looked down upon, but The Sundial has yet to get a prediction wrong. This issue’s special edition has it all, so find your sign and learn a little something about which ‘Tubthumping’ lyric you are!

Aries: “Pissing the night away”

Taurus: “Pissing the night away”

Gemini: “Pissing the night away”

Cancer: “Pissing the night away”

Leo: “Pissing the night away”

Virgo: “Pissing the night away”

Libra: “Pissing the night away”

Scorpio: “Pissing the night away”

Sagittarius: “Pissing the night away”

Capricorn: “Pissing the night away”

Aquarius: “Pissing the night away”

Pisces: “Pissing the night away”

Well, there you have it! The stars know which lyric from Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping you are, and now, so do you! We here at The Sundial hope that this information provides you with the confidence you need going forward in your life, and just know that if you get knocked down, you’ll get up again. They’re never going to keep you down!

Written by Francesca Varga, Social Media Chair