It’s not easy being vegan. Take it from me—my food journey started nearly two years ago when my doctor called me after a routine appointment. I was not only shocked, but also appalled to learn that I had what’s known as Fieri Syndrome, a rare disease that causes hair discoloration due to excessive consumption of meat. At the time, I was eating 12 servings of raw meat at breakfast as part of the uber-popular “Put the Me in Meat” diet that advocates for carnivorism as the purest form of self-care. What I didn’t know is that while my eating habits were boosting my self-esteem, they were also destroying my hair follicles. My naturally blonde hair was turning platinum at the ends, and that I could not stand for.
I began the switch to Polly Pocket Clothes after a 2-month stint as a pescatarian. I had cut off meat completely, vowing never to allow such damage to come between me and my hair ever again. I thought it would be easy to quit, cold turkey, but I kept having a craving for cold turkey, so I settled for cold fish instead. And the pescatarianism was going well until the afternoon I watched the documentary “Plenty of Fish in the Sea: The Big Lie told by Big Fish that we Fell for Hook, Line, and Sinker.” You guys, we are running out of fish in the sea! By 2030, there’s expected to be two fish left in the Pacific and three in the Atlantic, and all because of people who aren’t brave enough to commit to sustainable eating habits. My eyes were opened that day and I knew then that something had to change.
There isn’t a lot of information out there about the Polly Pocket Clothes diet or PPC, as I like to call it. I actually learned about it from my niece, who I saw shoving a Polly Pocket denim skirt into her tiny mouth. At first, I went to stop her, but then I had a thought that changed my life. She was young, healthy, and had luscious hair that I knew was not genetic. If she was faring this well on a diet consisting mainly of Polly Pocket clothing, maybe I could too.
Now, I eat three outfits a day and I feel great. I love my body, I love my hair, and I’ve never felt healthier. It feels good to know that not only am I doing what’s right for me, I’m also doing what’s right for the environment. Polly Pocket Clothes are 100% vegan and cruelty-free, and I often shop for secondhand clothes that are even more sustainable. PPC is easy, affordable, and, I can’t stress this enough, healthy. Now that I’ve started eating Polly Pocket clothes, my doctor told me that I never have to go to an appointment ever again. I cannot emphasize enough how much money and environment I am saving on this diet! PPC is the perfect diet for me and I can’t imagine how my life would be without it. On PPC, I’m not destroying the planet, I feel like my most authentic self, and my hair changes color when it gets wet. What could be better than that?
Veronica Floyd is a social media influencer and founder of the Polly Pocket Clothes Diet movement. Her new cookbook “Polly Pocket Clothing Kebabs for the Environmentally Conscious Diva” launches on Amazon on April 22nd (Earth Day). Pre-orders are now available through her website
Written by Francesca Varga, Secretary