On Wednesday during Disney’s Q1 Earnings Call, reports were revealed that, amongst other sequels, they plan on releasing a Frozen 3 at an unknown date. Through anonymous sources, the Sundial has obtained an early copy of the plotline of this upcoming sequel.
According to details found in the leak, this latest installment pulls some undeniable parallels between the movie adaption, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Details found indicate that the fictional kingdom of Arendelle is set to undergo a full-scale invasion by their powerful neighbor, Ruschka.
The leader, Vlad PoonToon, played by Timothee Chalamet, seems to hold direct correlation with the real life president of Russia. To face off against him, loveable character Olaf dons a green jacket, seeming to model Zelenskyy. During the course of the movie, it seems that Olaf undergoes major character redevelopment, turning him from a goofball comedian to fearless war leader.
Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, responded to the leak to the press earlier this morning.
“I understand there are social implications to us, as a company, profiting off the struggle, grief, and death of this very real conflict. But I wanted to assure you that, in this movie, Elsa will be our first gay Disney princess.”
Iger continued on to describe how previous movies have drawn parallels to real life events, where the Empire in Star Wars is largely based off Nazi Germany, and the Emoji Movie’s whole concept is derived from the War on Terror.
Critic’s responses to Iger’s comments weren’t positive.
“This seems like a bad idea. Since when has Olaf been discussing arms deals with Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau?” writes The Washington Post.
“I’m pretty sure The Emoji Movie has zero to do with the War on Terror,” adds The Wall Street Journal.
It is unclear what changes Disney plans to make after the backlash that this announcement has made, but they have already announced changes to the original Zootopia 2 plotline, where Judy Hopps comes under intense scrutiny over a series of tweets she made in her police academy days.
Written by Grant Lieberman, Contributor