From a recent Twitter thread by the Ohio State Appalachian Music Appreciation Club:

To all—we would just like to express our deep disappointment and frustration over the lack of pushback over our recent tweets in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. The executive board spent almost an entire day discussing the possible repercussions and implications and ultimately decided that standing for racial equality was worth whatever consequences came from our day. Upon posting our message, we are sad to say we were met with overwhelming support, kindness, and agreement.

This was not the plan at all. We were ready for all sorts of responses: from ‘stay in your lane’ to ‘Appalachian music is white culture’. Instead, people told us they “appreciated our efforts to make the community more inclusive”. How the hell are we supposed to respond to that? “Thanks, right back at ya?” It’s impossible!

The closest thing to criticism we received was “statements are not the same as action, do you have any plans to help?” We have three responses to this: first, shut up. Second, our plan was to make a statement, and we crushed it. Third, shut up.

To prepare for what we believed to be the inevitable deluge of “name one black Appalachian music worth mentioning” we gathered dozens of articles exploring how American music can trace its very roots to Black culture; instead, you guys just had to outdo us and direct people to modern musicians to support. Not cool. My god, you started and completely funded a GoFundMe for a young Black Trans woman who said she wanted to buy a mandolin to follow the footsteps of her great-uncle, a lifelong musician in Mississippi. We can’t compete with that!

Our social media chair, Dewey, had this all planned out. We were going to make a valiant stand against hate, to hell with anyone standing in our way. He was gonna write a Medium piece about this, and now he has nothing except the worthless knowledge that the community he loves is ready and willing to support the people around us. What’s Dewey supposed to do now? Learn harmonica? He has no lungs you fucking jerks!

In closing, Black Lives Matter, abolish the police, and love everyone, no matter what they look like. Disagree with us, we dare you. No, we beg you.

Written by Zack White, Contributor