Do you sometimes feel misled by inaccurate TV show descriptions?  Don’t you wish that you knew what you were getting yourself into before binging on a new series?  Before you invest your time, energy, and emotions on a new show, refer to the following list of popular TV shows, described as accurately and honestly as possible.

Romantic Comedies 

New Girl

“A quirky girl acts extremely awkward, but yet somehow still catches the attention of some of the most handsome and eligible men in New York.  This show is extremely unrealistic.”

The Mindy Project

“A quirky girl acts extremely awkward and has a hard time maintaining a long-term relationship.  This show is much more realistic than New Girl.”


The Big Bang Theory

“The jokes are hard to understand, but you laugh anyways to make your friends think you’re smart.”

Orange is the New Black

“Makes prison look a lot more fun than it actually is.  Also, if your family walks in on you watching it at just the right moment, they will think that you are watching porn.”

How I Met Your Mother

“A man spends nine seasons telling his two children about all the women he has slept with.  There is a 90% chance that the series finale will give you an aneurism.”


The Bachelor

“Women in their 20‘s and 30’s embarrass themselves on national television because the only sound they can hear is the ticking of their own biological clocks.”

The Bachelorette 

“Men in their 20’s and 30’s embarrass themselves on national television because women have boobs.”

American Idol

“Yes, seriously, it’s still on TV.  No, I don’t know who the judges are anymore.”

Hell’s Kitchen 

“A chef with deep-seeded issues takes his anger out on other chefs, instead of seeking psychiatric help.”

Fear Factor

“People do disgusting, degrading things for money.”

Flavor of Love and Rock of Love with Brett Michaels

“People do disgusting, degrading things for love.”



“A doctor with severe ADHD somehow manages not to kill all his patients, despite the fact he spends 90% of his time daydreaming instead of actually working.”

House M.D.

“A doctor practices medicine while high on painkillers, and faces no legal repercussions.  The main character will also make you realize that you’re kind of into damaged guys with piercing blue eyes, and that you just want to give them a hug.  You will hate yourself a little bit for this.”

Grey’s Anatomy

“A group of ridiculously attractive doctors balance their demanding careers while also having more sex than humanly possible.”



“A fake psychic helps the Santa Barbara police department solve murders.  The irony is that this is a felony in itself.  It’s called ‘obstruction of justice’.”

Breaking Bad

“Watch it and find out for yourself. Bitch.”

-Marianne Iskander, Staff-Writer