With Halloween, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment. Stay safe with these few simple tips.

-Don’t dress as a zombie

With your luck, a zombie apocalypse will break out in the middle of the night and everyone is going to look at you first. In order to guarantee that no one will kill you thinking you’re a zombie, just wear your “I forgot my costume at home” shirt for another year. It’s still hilarious don’t worry

Wear huge and bulky costumes

If someone goes to rob you, it will be really hard to try and find your wallet in that giant costume you needed 4 friends to get into in the first place

Don’t wear huge and bulky costumes

If you really do start to get jumped it will be next to impossible to run away, even though it would also be kind of funny

-Don’t eat poisoned candy

It’s not as common as your parents and every adult ever made it seem as you grew up, but if you do come across some food that was tampered with, your best bet would be just to let it go. One opened candy bar and you’ll actually turn into a zombie (that’s how the apocalypse will start)

– Don’t go inside a Witch’s house

It may look tempting. She may have candy, apple cider, or a magical potion that will raise your GPA a full point, but stay away. Cut your losses and don’t sell your soul to the devil so you can pass Intro to Poetry. Plus, the magical potion you have to drink for that tastes like pumpkin. Not like Pumpkin Spice Latte kind of pumpkin, but the carved, month old, burned from the candle inside, and definitely past rotten kind of pumpkin.  Plus its like 800 calories and no one needs that

 –Don’t share drinks

This is less of a Halloween thing and more of a “flu season” thing

 -Remember names

When meeting new people, try your best to remember their names or you’re forced to refer to them as their costume for the next 12 months

 -Don’t forget, you are not your costume

A lot of people use Halloween to hide behind masks and act like someone they’re not. It’s not like “What happens in Vegas…” if Elsa from Frozen gets alcohol poisoning or an STD, you did too

-Lauren Moliterno, Staff-Member