February 1st 2016
It seems that justice was served this past Sunday as the people of Flint, Michigan finally responded to governor Rick Snyder’s apology for poisoning their water supply. After suffering from roughly 2 years of water pollution, the people of Flint have reacted violently to Gov. Snyder. Granted, Flint residents have not physically hurt governor Snyder, but they did hurt his feelings. After hearing concerns about Gov. Snyder’s feelings, Flint residents have decided to sign a written apology to show their gratitude for the money that he has saved taxpayers.
CBS Detroit brings the news directly from Gov. Snyder’s mouth, as he complained about a meal that he had last week:
“I mean, I did have my meal, I didn’t just leave,” Snyder said. “But, yeah, I was heckled and other things like that have been going on for some time now….And from a personal perspective, I’ve had things aimed even at my family.”
Ann Arbor resident Laura Tanner told The Ann Arbor News that she and a friend gave Snyder an earful at the Old Town Tavern. She said she yelled “How was your water? Was it clean?”
“That’s really unfortunate,” Snyder said, “and that’s where I wish all this energy would be going into helping solve the problem and help the people of Flint.”
Snyder said when those like filmmaker Michael Moore say they want to see him resign, prosecuted or worse, it’s hard on him.
After these statements the people of Flint were moved by the Governor’s plight. Understanding that all people are indeed people, and that a white man crying is a worse tragedy than roughly 9,000 black children getting lead poisoning, the town gathered together to sign a collectively written letter of apology to their governor.
Dear Governor Snyder,
We would like to thank you that you are doing hardest to save your public image after ravaging our community to save roughly $100 dollars a day for three years. Next time (haha, hopefully not am I right?) we would prefer that you ask the people of Michigan if they would be willing to spend $0.12 in taxes so that our town could have clean water.
If you feel any stress from hecklers due to your money saving decision, please take a relaxing bath.
Flint, Michigan
-Kelli Knipe, Senior Staff Member