COLUMBUS— While watching an unsuspecting jogger run by, Chad Hurl brilliantly yelled out “run, Forrest, run” at the young man. “Run, Forrest, run” is, of course, a line from the beloved 1994 classic Forrest Gump. “As soon as I saw him running down the street, it reminded me of the movie since, you know, he runs a lot in that movie,” Hurl described as he continued his bi-curls. “So, I says to my buddy, Dylan, I says, ‘Hey, Dyl’, look,’ and that’s when I yelled it.” We questioned Dylan Toole about the incident as well. He reports, “Dude, it was so funny. Like, get this. That guy ran by and Chad was like, he was like, ‘run, Forrest, run!’ It was just like that movie! The one where that guy had that RIDICULOUS beard! You know the one they wrote about that shrimp restaurant? I had forgotten about that movie, so when he said that I was like, ‘dude, no way, I forgot about that movie, that is so funny!’ It was hilarious, dude, you had to be there,” Dylan clarified as he continued to text his “bros” about the incident. When asked for further comment, Hurl and Toole had to leave to go play in their weekly ultimate Frisbee game.