1. 1920’s surrealism

Phew, what a start. I bet you ‘20s kids who specifically grew up in Berlin can already relate to this.

2. When your favorite celebrity was Einstein and not a Kardashian

Let me guess what you’re thinking. This is so relatable. Well, wait till you see #3.

3. When Metropolis came out and blew your fucking mind

If you didn’t grow up in Berlin in the 1920s, then you probably watched shitty films.

4. When your grandparents would say “Bahaus isn’t art”

Old people just didn’t respect the awesomeness that was the Bahaus movement. Neither do spoiled millennials with their Marvel movies and reality shows.

5. Buying black market liquor from gangsters

Ugh, kids these days will never know the thrill of sneaking out at midnight to buy illicit cocaine and vodka from your local bootlegger. Just another sign of how sheltered millennials are.

6. Admit it, we all used our currency as notepaper every once in a while

Economic destruction is so relatable. Today’s youth just doesn’t get the joys of hyperinflation. Playing tic-tac-toe on our worthless currency was literally our childhood.

7. Getting into political street brawls was our childhood

Fascists vs communists, beating each other’s faces to a pulp in broad daylight. Take that video games.

8. Nothing beats the thrill of burning money to keep the house warm at night

Speaking of having fun with hyperinflation, it was every kid’s favorite part of the day when we got to light our completely devalued marks on fire so we didn’t freeze to death at night.

9. Waiting in line for hours to pick up your rations

Millennials have it so easy. The feeling of inevitable starvation as you spent entire days waiting for a slice of moldy stale bread defined our generation. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

10. Using our useless money to cook made us all feel like badasses

Jesus, the economy was pretty terrible, wasn’t it? A lot of people starved to death. Human rights weren’t great either. And of course, it led to the rise of the Nazis. But hey, we didn’t have Duck Dynasty so let’s call it a win for the 1920s.

Eli Gardner, Staff Member