If you’re tired of the same old game shows, then suffer no more as these brand new shows will be airing soon!


The Spice is Right:

Pretentious chefs try and figure out the spices in foods that unbeknownst to them have no spices in them. No Jeff, you really don’t sense a hint of tarragon, you pompous ass.


Wheel of Scorpions:

Spin the wheel! There’s only one outcome, but MAN, LOOK AT THAT BABY SPIN!


3rd Cousin Twice Removed Feud:

Fight over who gets Grandma’s inheritance. Hosted by a less attractive Ryan Seacrest type who always has his fly open.


Let’s Make a Seal:

Various organs from a seal are placed in a bucket. You have a needle and thread and 60 seconds on the clock.


No, You’re Not Smarter Than a 5th Grader:

You’ve never known long division, but sure why not go on TV and prove it.


Peel, or No Peel:

Various people choose to eat fruit that has a peel, or choose fruit without a peel. A real nailbiter.



Essentially the same as Jeopardy, but it’s spelled phonetically.The live studio audience is given a handful of raw brussel sprouts to eat while watching.


Millionaire A Be To Wants Who:

Episodes of Who Wants to be A Millionaire aired in reverse. Watch elated people lose a million dollars.


The Recently Divorced Game:

How well do you know your ex-husband or ex-wife? Watch recently divorced couples hash out their issues live! Perfect for date night!


-Maddie Gottfried, Contributor