1.) Prophecy
Prophecy is a thing that is definitely on this list. It’s when a person makes a divine prediction from the heavenly father.

2.) Ouroboros
A snake biting its own tail, used for symbolic purposes: a sort of circular reference.

3.) Romantic Irony
When a story makes reference to the fact that it’s fiction. I’m going to utilize that technique following this colon: You’re really going to enjoy the last two entries. I’m this piece’s creator so I know.

4.) Chickens
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Why include this on my list? Why write a piece like this at all? Not for the laughs, I’ll tell you that.

5.) Fathers
Sometimes, they shout too much at their children. Then, years later, those kids shout too much at their children.

-Collin Gossel, Editor-In-Chief