Author The Sundial

Brave: This Woman is Crushing the Patriarchy by Yelling when She Sneezes

Women all around the world are taking a stand against gender inequality, staging protests and starting fundraisers in order to make their voices heard. One woman in particular has developed an ingenious method to put the patriarchy back in its… Continue Reading →

Young Man Never Been to YMCA

COLUMBUS𑁋Citing a conversation from a recent house party, sources confirmed the shocking news that Jesse Anderson, a young man, has never been inside of a YMCA. “At first we were having fun just dancing at the party, but when the… Continue Reading →

COMIC: Conflict Resolution

Created by Zach Levy, Staff Writer


Created by Alicia Bao, Treasurer 

Ask Amy – International Internship Incident

Dear Amy, It’s my third year here and I have almost nothing going for me. My grades are average, but I’m not in any clubs, I don’t volunteer, and I don’t have a job. The only thing working in my… Continue Reading →

Do Not Black Out Into That Good Night, Bro

Based on “Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night” by Dylan Thomas Do not black out into that good night, bro. Liquor should pour and splash at the close of day; Rave, Rave against the fate of Natty Light,… Continue Reading →

My Almonds Are Wrong!

Help! Anyone! My almonds are wrong. Listen now as I sing you my song. Almonds in the oven, I placed on a tray. I opened the door and was full of dismay! My almonds, it seemed, had some kind of… Continue Reading →

An Open Letter to the Ice-Cold Ass Chiller

To the Man That Used the Stall Before Me: Please let this letter serve as an official warning for your behavior. Never before have I been so utterly shocked at the manner in which a toilet has been used. Generally,… Continue Reading →

Fallen Tree Restricts Arbor Day Travel

COLUMBUS—I-71 N., E. Hudson Street is temporarily closed this afternoon, April 26th, due to a large tree obstructing the highway entrance ramp. It remains unclear how long the ramp will be closed. A service vehicle is present on the scene,… Continue Reading →

Millennials are Killing the Orphan Industry

The Orphan Industry is in peril, and the root cause is undeniably millennials. Over the past 20 years, there’s been a drastic drop in Orphanage popularity, and the only group to blame is this massive and fertile generation of the… Continue Reading →

Cap’n Crunch Sued After Blowjob Gone Wrong

Let’s be real: you know exactly where this article is going. I could give you context, but that wouldn’t do anything to assuage the visceral thought of that bushy mustache chomping down on a PhleshyPhallus™. Let’s just say the jig… Continue Reading →

Olentangy River Restoration Instructs Students to Fight Geese

The Olentangy Trail is amuck today as students of all standings violently respond to a press release made today by the Olentangy River Restoration Project: “We’ve finished our study, and the geese are just fucking up the river too much…. Continue Reading →

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