COLUMBUS, OHIO. The Ohio State University has created a new department designed to improve the disappointingly low average GPA among students, according to a Tweet posted on the university’s official Twitter account. The department’s chief initiative is tentatively known as… Continue Reading →
At a frat party last weekend, Fisher College of Business students voted to officially secede from The Ohio State University in order to create their own institute of higher learning. Immediately afterwards, Professor Ty Shepfer was elected to be the… Continue Reading →
Earlier this morning, the University revealed plans to build a real-life ‘Jurassic Park’ on West Campus. The initiative was made possible after researchers in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering discovered a method of extracting dinosaur DNA from fossilized… Continue Reading →
Since OSU President Kristina M. Johnson’s sudden resignation at the end of 2022, speculation has been rampant about the cause of her leaving. Some have suggested criminal actions, disagreements with the OSU board of trustees, a potential sex scandal with… Continue Reading →
NEIL AVE, COLUMBUS – This week, residents of Mack Hall were taken aback by a squirrel digging in the flowerbeds lining Neil avenue. For one, the mulch being disturbed was relatively fresh, as residents of South Campus can recall. The… Continue Reading →
COLUMBUS, OH – This past Wednesday night, thousands of first year students gathered around the North Campus Clock Tower to stone one freshman who won this year’s housing lottery. Shirley Jackson, a computer and information science major, checked BuckeyeMail on… Continue Reading →
OHIO STATEHOUSE, COLUMBUS- In a recent partnership with the Ohio State College of Optometry, the Sundial Humor Magazine has launched an initiative to make vision tests accessible for members of the Ohio State Congress in honor of the 2023 International… Continue Reading →
COLUMBUS OH – Kristina Johnson’s mysterious resignation from the office of University President has left students, parents, and faculty with many questions. While the Lantern collects their profiles of Board of Trustees members, here at the Sundial, we provide real… Continue Reading →
Last year, President Kristina M. Johnson announced the university’s plan to build Carmenton – a 270-acre “district” that would include new restaurants, retail outlets, and residence halls. Earlier this week, Interim President Brutus Buckeye announced a complete reversal of his… Continue Reading →
Over the entirety of this school year, the number of students suffering from indigestion from Traditions at Scott, Ohio State’s premier dining hall, has increased nearly tenfold. At first, it may be easy to dismiss this as just bad luck… Continue Reading →
In a surprising move on Wednesday, conservative activist Charlie Kirk and The Ohio State University’s chapter of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) have endorsed The Sundial as their go-to outlet for news. Rejecting more mainstream conservative media outlets such as Fox… Continue Reading →
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS – Sources from inside S.A.S.H.A indicate that their annual event occurring in the next few days, Sex Week 2023, will bring in the Ohio State Tree Fucker as a surprise guest. Rumors abounded that the guest… Continue Reading →
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