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How do I study for those exams? Which study material should I use?

Merely taking the corresponding math courses is NOT enough to prepare you for the exams. You may also want to study for an exam before taking the math course – it is totally doable. So what study material should I use?

How much should I pass?

While passing Actuarial Exams is not a requirement for graduation for the actuarial science majors at Ohio State. It is common for students to take a few of these exams during their college career. Passing multiple exams not only increases the chance for the student to secure an actuarial internship, but also helps the students to better grasp what it takes to become an actuary.

Depending on when the individual takes the preparation course, students attempt their first exam at the end of their Freshman or during their Sophomore year. Typically, students will have 2-3 exams passed before graduation.