Tired of the pissing war between the Men’s Glee Club and the Agricultural Education Society, the Sundial Humor Magazine declares itself the oldest student organization here at Ohio State.
“The Sundial Humor Magazine is so entrenched in this University’s history, there’s a permanent stick up ol’ William Oxley Thompson’s ass with James Thurber’s signature on it,” stated President Tim Johnson in an interview to the media last Tuesday.
The Agricultural Education Society did not take this news well and brought a very old, confused man to the office of Melissa Shivers who claims to be both one-hundred and twenty-five years old and a founding member of the organization. Doctor Shivers did not return our request for comment.
In a coinciding report, Sundial also announced its very own Time and Change campaign, where for a minimum donation of five dollars, each campaigner would receive a signed copy of Goosebumps and a gun found off-campus.
–By Henry Levenberg, Staff Writer